Suggested Reading: Isaiah 30-31
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Key Verse: Isaiah 30:15
For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel:
“In returning and rest you shall be saved;
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
But you would not…
As we move on into the New Year, let us “rest” in “quietness and confidence.” The secret of this “strength” is just the opposite to the frantic efforts of Isaiah’s contemporaries. We take counsel daily from God by reading His Words to us. We ask the Spirit of God to reveal to us the plans the Lord has for us. He doesn’t do this like a daily appointment calendar, but as the day unfolds He guides us step by step. Sometimes we need to just sit still while we wait for God. The Scripture tells us to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Let’s all read Jeremiah 29:11-13, and in Matthew 11:25-30 we have Jesus’ recipe for rest.
Isaiah clearly points out that God did not need the horses and chariots of Egypt to protect His people. The Lord had spoken to Isaiah, assuring him of protection (31:4-5). God is watching over him and His people as a roaring, vicious lion, and as a bird watching over her nest to protect her chicks! Therefore, let the minutes, days, hours, weeks, and months of the New Year proceed. As Zechariah 4:6 says, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Quiet my spirit, O Lord, I pray. I rest in the sure knowledge of Your full protection. My confidence is completely in You. I’m praying now, Lord, the “Our Father” prayer which Jesus taught as a model prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Amen!!!
While resting in God’s plans for my life, I’m obeying Him in the care of my body as God’s Word instructs me. I expect to start on “The Daniel Plan,” joining the “on air” team and many of the Crossroads leaders and staff. Today, I’m getting my copy of Pastor Rick Warren’s book, which I intend to follow carefully. I believe the Lord is healing me, with the co-operation of the medical profession, from MDS acute leukaemia. I confess that I have not cared for my body as I should have through the years. That’s probably the reason why I have the physical problems I have. Therefore, with God’s help, I intend to change through The Daniel Plan. Please join me by ordering your own copy of this book, and then by following our 100 Huntley Street team under Rick Warren’s leadership, we’ll succeed in healing and strengthening our “Temples of the Holy Spirit,” our bodies. Click here to order Rick Warren’s book, and you can also sign up for daily email encouragements regarding The Daniel Plan by clicking here and entering your info on the right side of the page.
Yours for rest, confidence, good nutritious food, and all God’s blessings,
P.S. Some readers may not know about Rick Warren. We may remember that Rick, in order to ask questions of the candidates for the presidency of the USA, hosted a leadership forum. He asked clear-cut questions about their personal faith. At the time I had a sneaking suspicion that he favoured McCain, but he maintained an objectivity. I placed this picture below to remind us all of the respect in which Rick is held. Some have misunderstood Rick and said unkind and untrue things about him. There is much misinformation about him on the web. I’ve personally investigated Rick’s life and ministry and am convinced that he is a true Pastor-Teacher and Evangelist! God is using him to penetrate the culture with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God!!! Rick’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life” has sold over 30 million copies and has brought large numbers of people to a saving knowledge of Christ. He had a clear witness for Christ to Obama and McCain!
Jeramiah 29 :11 is my favorite passage
God has great things for those who love Him
Thank you David for encouraging us to live healthy and respect our temples of the Holy Spirit
Please pray for my grandaughters Angel 14 and Hope 11 and Abby 8 and my daughter Miranda Gods will be done and help them .
May God continue to heal your physical body David in Jesus name Amen
Happy New Year to you also !!!!
David please pray for me I feel misserable with this chest cold and its not letting up
I cannot go on on the Daniel plan do to my seizure medications and other things.
Lianne Hogg
Thank you Father for healing Liannes chest cold in Jesus name Amen
Yes, Lord, praising You, along with Brenda, for Your mercy and healing touch in healing Lianne’s chest cold. In Jesus name we pray, amen!
Father God would you touch Lianne and give her relief from this chest cold and keep her from any more seizures. In the Mighty name of JESUS! Amen
Lianne, hope you will click on the link above for the Daniel Plan to receive the encouraging emails. Hold on, not only to God’s Word but the Bible, literally, dear sister-in-Christ. Know how much we love you and are praying for you!
Ordered, and looking forward to reading “The Daniel Plan.” Plan to remain focussed on this blog and scripture reading. God’s strength, encouragement and blessings, to all!
The picture of a man of God with two politicians on either side of him is very special. It’s amazing the mindset of the opposing political parties…….one liberal and one conservative. Praise our heavenly Father for loving them both.
It’s so obvious in today’s study that we have to discipline ourselves to be conservative.
Good morning and HAPPY NEW YEAR. I am so excited to see what God is going to reviel to us this year. Has any one on this blog heard about the coming four blood moons? NASA has predicted the first one is on Jewish Passover on April 15th. 2014 . The last one was during the six day war in Israel back in 1967 .
History has shown us the blood moons are signifigant concerning Gods people the Jews . Also these blood moons are one of Gods ways of speaking to us , and a way to show us he is acknowleging what he already has ordained so we will know he is continueing to speak to us and to let us be assured that He is in control.
Knowing God is signaling some thing big is going to happen soon , makes me
ponder the Rapture every day.
I can hardly wait for the Rapture. Could be today could be a few years from now. Of course we don’t know the date or the hour…… but , I believe we are in the season.
My husband pointed out the fact that with the world divided into different time zones it is impossible for any one to know theexact date and time. I figure that’s true, but time is time, and space is space, weather you calculate it or not it can only happen once and at one particular moment in time.
Today’s reading was once again powerful I’ll just leave it at that!
May Gods word keep us and protect us acording to his will, from the GREAT falling away / deception he has warned us about ……In Jesus name Amen!
Blessings to all.
M. .
In Jesus name Amen!
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God should be one repeated each day. In these busy times we can be robbed of special time with The Lord.
Praying I can start The Daniel Plan when fully recovered from my surgery.
Thank you Pastor David for clearing up some things on Pastor Rick Warren.
Continuing to pray for all of us who are brothers and sisters in The Lord right here on our blog. Blessings and keep warm.
Thank you for standing up for Rick Warren. He is a true man of God. His book The Purpose Driven Life introduced me to a real relationship with Jesus. I can’t say enough about how his ministry has helped change and shape my life over the years? I pray healing for my fellow bloggers. Happy new year!
Thanks, again, David, for another strong message, today. I especially like the photo your son took of the mikvah entrance and the Jewish history behind it. To think of that stone being carved out as it was is rather amazing; not to mention the bath areas. To live back during that time period and place would have been mind blowing.
Thanks, David, for your clarification about Rick Warren. I trust you above any other Christian as the authority on which I rely for an opinion. A few days back, Sally questioned Jack Van Impe’s warning. Similar to others on the blog, I have read ‘A Purpose Driven Life’ and the entire book is based on scripture. There is a note section at the back of the book with seven pages that references every scripture relied on.
Here is a great example from the book, p. 310: It’s All For God’s Glory
“The reason we pass on what we learn is for the glory of God and the growth of his kingdom. The night before he was crucified, Jesus reported to his Father, ‘I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do’ (John 17:4 NIV). When Jesus prayed these words, he had not yet died for our sins, so what “work” had he completed? In this instance, he was referring to something other than the atonement. The answer lies in what he said in the next twenty verses of his prayer. (John 17:6-26) Jesus told his Father what he had been doing for the last three years: preparing his disciples to live for God’s purposes. He helped them to know and love God (worship), taught them to love each other (fellowship), gave them the Word so they could grow to maturity (discipleship), showed them how to serve (ministry), and sent them out to tell others (mission). Jesus modeled a purpose-driven life, and he taught others how to live it, too. That was the “work” that brought glory to God.”
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him! Isa 30:18
God’s blessings, dear saints. I ask you to please pray for me, for strength, during this month as I have a lot on the go and need to stay focused on God and to keep positivity around me. I am certain The Daniel Plan will help, but I still rely on your prayers for me.
Dear Rev. David M.
Thank you for giving us clarity on Pastor Warrens as a true servant of God.
Thank you Beverlee for your great examples from the pessage of the book of Pastor Warren A purpose driven life.
Dear Lord I bring to You all my sister and brothers in Christ that are in need of healing and yes Jesus all for Your Glory .
Have a blessed day everyone and keep warm .
xxxx Carole.
Yes, I too was concerned about what I have heard of Rick Warren. I will sign up for the e-mails but I won’t be going on the Daniel diet. Medical complications – surgeries, etc. coming up, plus I have had an avoidance to food (might be the medication). Bless all who can. (we went on a Daniel fast years ago at Queensway Cathedral). That, also was in January!
Amen, Carole. Lord, draw us all nearer to you in 2014 for direction and healing that we may hear your voice and do your will, so much the more as we see the Day of the Lord approaching. In Jesus Name, Amen.
I wish I could be as sure of Rick Warren as you are Mr. Mainse……something in my gut is not sitting right……I have not heard what you have heard so I am very leary. If Mr. Billy Graham or Mr. Nelson Mandella had their views posed about Rick Warren that would clear up things for me. I become suspicious because so much constroversey arose regard Rick Warren, I still wonder why? as far as plant based dietgs they are great. thank you.
Nice to hear from you Scott, We are on our last stretch of an amazing accomplishment.
God Bless