Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Today’s Reading: JUDGES 3

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Tel Lachish National Park. According to the Bible, the Israelites captured and destroyed Lachish for joining the league against the Gibeonites (Joshua 10:31-33), but its territory was later assigned to the tribe of Judah (15:39) and became a part of the Kingdom of Israel.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Judges 3:9, 15a

When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them: Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother….But when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for them: Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man…


Every year Israelite parents were to bring their children to Mt. Gerizim (Shechem) and show them the stone of witness on which was written the summary of the commandments which Moses, and Joshua after him, had given in his final words to the people of God (Joshua 24:27). We can be confident that Caleb’s nephew, Othniel, the first Judge, saw that stone, and then Ehud, the next Judge, also got the message written on that stone. Today’s reading gives a graphic account of Ehud plunging a dagger into the fat belly of King Eglon of Moab as a judgment on his wickedness (Joshua 3:15-23). In Israel, there was always a remnant of the people who were faithful to the God of their fathers, but they may have been silent, not taking a public stand for righteousness. When they did stand up, God stood up for them. Our reading today lets us know that there were, in total, 26 years of serving foreign rulers and 120 years of freedom and prosperity.

Thank God that the Spirit of God is still calling brave and godly leaders. Let us rally around and support them as they lead us in evangelism and in strong growth of God’s people, the Church.


I join the Apostle Paul and ask You, Lord God, “May Israel be saved” (Romans 10:1). There is a modern remnant of those who seek to do Your will, and thousands of Israelis who believe in Jesus, Yeshua, as their Saviour and Lord. In these times when destruction looms over Israel, may the people cry out to You as they did in the times of Othniel and Ehud. In Yeshua’s Name I pray, Amen!


I’ve had the opportunity of spending much time in modern Israel. God’s purposes there are underway. Two former team members of Crossroads co-founded one of the churches in Jerusalem. Wayne and Ann Hilsden are in my prayers consistently. Their congregation, which they pastored for over 30 years, is strong (check it out here), as are many congregations in Israel.

Biblical names are common there, such as, Ehud Barak, former minister of Defense and a former Prime Minister of Israel.

I’ve entitled today’s reading after Eglon, King of Moab, who lived in a rebuilt Jericho, known as “The City of the Palms.” It’s a gruesome story, but that’s war. I’m interested in archaeology and Eglon’s palace has been found (here’s a link if interested – scroll down a ways until you see the sub-heading “Eglon’s Palace at Jericho”).

Also, I initiated the placing of a stone of witness at the Crossroads Centre in 1999. A link to a video of the stone’s dedication is here. I encourage the reading of the Scripture on its plaque (Jeremiah 6:16). May it serve God’s purpose as did the stone of witness in Joshua 24.

Yours in support of God’s leaders who serve God’s cause with boldness and wisdom,


Ruins of ancient Lachish at Tel Lachish National Park.

3 thoughts on “Wednesday, February 5, 2025

  1. Thank You, Father, for Your mercy. It endures forever. Thank You for being at work in us, through us, among us even today. Send out Your workers throughout Canada. Have mercy on us, Lord, and help us as a nation cry out to You. We are so in need of Your wisdom and guidance, Father! Help us wake up and turn to You, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen

    • Amen Rob. Wonderful to see and hear some of the history of CTS. May God’s blessings continue to bring the Word of God to people everywhere. Amen

  2. Reposting from Feb 1 as I posted late.
    Amen. Praying for peace in Israel and also for our country. Canada is not for sale but let our leaders seek Godly wisdom reacting to tariffs. Yes buy Canadian but we shouldn’t have needed tariffs to make us support our own manufacturers, we have been watching this outsourcing for many years and not just to USA. We need to accept responsibility for the shut down of manufacturers in this country. We need Christian leaders that will stand up against the evil invading our country. We hate to admit it but we need to look at what’s happening inside of our borders and vote the Bible. Check how our representatives are voting on bills that are killing Christian values. What are your school boards etc doing for/to our children. How do they vote on transgender esp in young children. What books are in the curriculum/libraries. Be heard on Christian values. Is what happens inside your family all the neighbours fault?

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