Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Today’s Reading: Acts 1-2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


David’s City is part of Jerusalem and is on the south side of the Old City walls.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Acts 1:8

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.


We may consider Acts 1:8 the key verse, not only for this chapter, but for the entire book of Acts. Here we have Christ’s plan, His command to carry out the plan, and the power to carry out His goal to reach the whole world with the Good News of His salvation. We, as believers in Jesus, can easily be diverted from this first and foremost of Jesus’ instructions. We may be comfortable in our own salvation and cease to be concerned for the salvation of others. We may hide behind excuses such as, “I don’t know enough,” or “I need to understand the Bible better,” and by such means escape our Jesus-given assignment to be witnesses. Jesus told us clearly that all we need to enable us to share the Gospel is the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus now for the Holy Spirit to come upon all of us who read this blog. Begin to praise Jesus out loud as long as the volume does not offend others, and start witnessing to someone you meet. Remember, just seven weeks earlier, Peter could not witness to a waitress who gave him every opportunity to share his faith in Jesus. The power of the Holy Spirit and a willingness to acknowledge Jesus is all we need.


Lord Jesus, John the Baptist said of You, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” That’s me, Lord. I’m one of Your believers. I’ll open my mouth, make a sound, and You, Holy Spirit, as Acts 1:4 says, will give me utterance. I trust You to give me words that will communicate with You, Lord God (see 1 Cor. 14:1-6), and communicate Jesus to people. In Jesus’ Name I pray, and keep on praying until I experience Your Holy Spirit’s fullness, Amen! Amen!


My son, David Reynold, chose the picture for today of the City of David, a part of Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit came upon 120 people who were in an upper room just at the top left of the picture. When they could no longer contain this powerful experience, they spilled out onto the streets, no doubt some of them into the City of David. I knew that the Holy Spirit came to live in me when I gave my life to Christ in December of 1951, but it was in June, 1952, that the Holy Spirit came upon me with power to witness. That July, I led a man in a prayer to receive Jesus. That August, I know without a doubt that God called me into “the ministry.” Not long ago, I visited a dying man and witnessed about Jesus. He had proclaimed himself an atheist. Soon after, my friend, Jerry, told me he visited him in the Kingston, Ontario, hospital just before he died. Jerry asked him about salvation. He said to Jerry, “Tell David not to worry, that’s all taken care of.”

Yours for being available to the Holy Spirit to win someone to Jesus today,


P.S. Whenever we’ve led a group to Israel, we’ve always celebrated Jesus’ death and resurrection in the Garden Tomb area (photos below)! Among other places in Jerusalem, we always visit St. Ann’s Church, built in the 11th century; it has the most amazing acoustics (click here for a video of our group singing, led by Norma-Jean).

6 thoughts on “Tuesday, November 26, 2024

  1. Hallelujah! He is risen. Lord, help me to hear Your voice and direction clearly. “I Need Thee Every Hour” truly. Amen. Blessings all. I have an unspoken prayer request. Would you folk kindly pray with and for me for this blessing? Thank You.

  2. Yes Doreen – praying right now for you, that our dear Lord Jesus will meet you right where you’re need is. Thank You dear Lord for hearing and answering our prayers! To God be the glory!

  3. Amen.
    Dear Lord I pray that you know of Doreen’s request for prayer and i stand in faith with her and others praying for her that you hear her prayer and that you will bless her and guide her with whatever her need or request is. You know Lord if it is for her personally or if she is praying for another. Be with her and grant her peace in this request
    God bless you Doreen and all of our bloggers

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