Today’s Reading: Numbers 4
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In this replica of the Tabernacle of Moses, the High Priest worships in the Holy Place, just outside of the Holy of Holies.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Numbers 4:49
According to the commandment of the Lord they were numbered by the hand of Moses, each according to his service and according to his task; thus were they numbered by him, as the Lord commanded Moses.
God has a job for everyone, the willing workers, and even those who are willing to let the self-starters with drive do it all. Sharing our time, our energies, and our resources with others in God’s work is absolutely essential. God, in His wisdom, wants each individual to serve, functioning as a member of the team, so that the burden is not carried by the few but by the many. The Tabernacle was the forerunner to the Church. In the Church, God calls people to serve (see Ephesians 4:11-16). Paul tells us about the leadership in the Church and also gives the reasons why we need those who are gifted by God in ministry. Check out also 1 Corinthians 12:28-31. None of us are left out. I particularly like God’s appointment of “Helps.”
Dear Lord Jesus, show me that to which You have appointed me for this time of my life. I know that spending time daily with You and Your Word are definitely part of my appointment. Please show me what else You have for me today. Amen!
I was about to turn 17 when I knew God was calling me into ministry. God did not give me any details. I thought about the word “ministry” and realized that it meant that I was simply to be a servant and to serve wherever and whenever the opportunity arose. It could be in the form of a request from others, or it could be at God’s initiative. It could be as a result of my own initiative as well. My job was to get busy. I’ve often come across people who are waiting for God to open doors. That’s never been my problem. I’ve seen open doors everywhere. I believe that every street corner is a ministry location. I don’t need to wait for a formal call to Pastor a Church, for example. On a Monday morning at 4 a.m. I committed to this blog. I’m not computer savvy, but I knew I could learn. Four months later, showed up. Thank you to those who have written blog comments encouraging me to continue. My job is not to answer questions, for that’s where God has put the ministry gifts in the local Church. Someone has that job and God has gifted that person to be a help.
Yours for all of us finding the job God has for each one of us,
Thank You, Lord God, for being in charge. We commit our lives, our families, our nations, and our leaders into Your capable hands. Have Thine own way, Lord; have Thine own way – You are the Potter ; we are the clay … With thanks and praise, I ask for Your help in all we do, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. I’m so incredibly thankful to the family of David M for carrying on this Daily Bible reading. Blessings all.
Amen to above prayers
Amen and praise be to God for election results last night. May the nation continue to pray and turn the people and newly elected leaders attention to God. May there be peace, no violent protests, justice via truth