Sunday, November 3, 2024


Today’s Reading: Numbers 1

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


This replica of the Tabernacle of Moses was set up behind the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, during the summer of 2012.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: Numbers 1:50

…but you shall appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of the Testimony, over all its furnishings, and over all things that belong to it; they shall carry the tabernacle and all its furnishings; they shall attend to it and camp around the tabernacle.


Here we are in Numbers. It’s a difficult book to read, but we need to stick with it. Completing the entire Bible in two years is a worthy goal. The first chapter initiates a census, from which comes the name of the book. Almost as soon as Mount Sinai is out of sight, the people begin to complain (Numbers 11). Even Moses’ brother and sister speak against his leadership (Numbers 13). Finally, the ultimate in faithlessness, the people refuse to move into the Promised Land, wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. At the book’s end, Israel is again numbered in preparation for acting on God’s promise (Numbers 26). Only two names appear in both numberings, Joshua and Caleb. There is more to come about these two heroes of obedience and faith. Israel developed two armies, one to stand before God and one before men…the Levites and all the others. These armies ensure the integrity of Israel, both spiritual and temporal.


Lord God, I realize that I live in two worlds as did the Israelites. Grant me grace to faithfully execute my spiritual responsibilities, and from the strength received from You, to carry out my responsibilities to help ensure the integrity of my nation. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


I accepted an invitation from Col. White of the Canadian Armed Services to address a gathering of Christian military personnel some years ago. That Sunday morning, I brought a message from God’s Word to both the Roman Catholic and the Protestant services. I noticed a Ukrainian Army Colonel sitting in the front pew of both services. Following the second service, he approached me and said, “If I could arrange for you to address our officer corp in Ukraine on the subject of having Padres or Chaplains in our military, would you come to us?” “Yes,” I responded. About two years later, under the sponsorship of the Military Christian Fellowship, Norma-Jean and I arrived in Kiev. At the opening banquet, I told the story of the army officer Cornelius (Acts 10) and made a toast to him. I suggested that he be honoured by their army. They rose, lifted their vodka-filled glasses, and I heard loud cries of “Da, Da, Yes, Yes.” It was a way to share the message of Jesus with officers who had been raised under official communist atheism.The gathering continued the next day with several speakers, as well as myself. Within two years, the Army of the Ukraine had Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Baptist and Pentecostal Chaplains. Their concern militarily at that time was the presence of Islamic countries on their borders. They had been attacked by the Tartars over the centuries. They heard, received, and acted upon the message that they needed a spiritual army as well as earthly military might.

Yours for God and country,


5 thoughts on “Sunday, November 3, 2024

  1. What a Wonderful door the Lord opened for David and Norma Jean. God’s grace was revealed and Chaplains were approved. Blessings all.

  2. Amen to the opening of that door.
    As you are aware I have been asking for prayer for the sale of property to cover a debt I owe. I am still praying for that sale, and today I am writing to the person I owe asking for forgiveness, understanding and patience as I wait for the sale. I pray that she will take no further action, that she will not go to the courts. I believe she is a believer and I pray the Lord will be with her and I through this trying time. Please stand with me in prayer that monies come soon and that my letter will be well received. I know there are outside influences advising her to litigate and to not answer her phone to me.
    God bless her and each blogger.

    • Thank You, Lord God, for being our Help throughout life. I ask for Your help and wisdom for HJR in all her words and actions. Give her favour in all her dealings with others, I ask in Jesus’s great name

  3. And, may God keep on working in our country, so Canadians can live in God’s glorious freedom.
    Also, prayers the the United States come back to its roots of recognizing its dependence on Almighty God and His precepts.
    Lord God, keep the electoral process in the U.S. in your hands, so people can trust that, even if God’s will is not done, at least the will of the people is. Please, though, may Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven, I ask in Jesus’s name

    And, news from the people of Alberta:
    Recognizing Only Two Genders, Cutting Income Tax Among Policy Aims Adopted by Alberta UCP Members

  4. Thanks for your prayers Rob.
    And thanks for the info from Alberta It is encouraging news
    I am watching and praying for the US elections
    What happens there seems to effect us so I hope the Christians get out to vote and they protect their voting systems

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