Today’s Reading: John 13-14
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the place identified as the “Upper Room” by the Tourist Department of Israel. It probably is not the actual location of the Last Supper, but it is a great place for Christian visitors to Jerusalem to meet, pray, and sometimes celebrate the “Last Supper.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: John 13:5, 35
After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded…By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
The words, “love, loved or loves,” are found 14 times in our reading! The Lord Jesus is letting us know what is truly important to Him. When we say, “I love You, Jesus,” we must say it in a practical way by loving one another. Jesus said to His disciples, “I love you,” by washing their feet and by drying them with a towel. What an example to follow! In fact, Jesus tells us that the way all will know that we are His disciples is by loving one another. Sadly, the history of Christianity has, from time to time, been marked by fights and divisions. Often when we witness for Christ, we have these dark stains on the Church thrown at us. People will look past these historical messes if they see love in us as individuals, or if they experience love from and in the local church. If we are breaking the bonds of love through gossip, self interest, or outright rebellion, STOP!!! Ask God’s forgiveness, confess our sin, repent, and ask God to mend the broken bonds of love. We then are ready to read the love chapter again (1 Corinthians 13 – King James Version).
Dear loving Lord Jesus, give me the grace and determination to wash the feet of my brothers and sisters (figuratively or maybe now and then literally – it sure wouldn’t hurt to ask someone, “May I wash your feet as Jesus washed His disciples’ feet?” This should be someone I wish to serve or someone with whom I’ve had strife). I’m asking You, Lord Jesus, to grant me the humility I need to do this. Amen!
I thought one time of washing someone’s feet on the 100 Huntley Street TV program, and then I backed off because it might look like I was trying to be humble, and proud of it! The story is told of the man who was voted the most humble in the congregation and given a button stating this. However, the first day he wore the button to church, they had to take it away! He was no longer the most humble person. As a public school teacher, and later teaching college English, I required my students to memorize 1 Corinthians 13. I’m not the only one who considers the love chapter of the Bible as the finest example of the use of the English language. Of course, we memorized it in the Old King James language. In my opinion, it loses some of its beauty in modern translations. I’m a believer today because, as a teenager, I came across people who loved one another and who loved me enough to lead me to Christ.
Yours, not because of my own love, but because the love of Christ is in my life,
Thank You, Lord, for Your love. As the Psalmist said, Your lovingkindness endures forever. Bless all Your people today. Please bring Godly people into power, Father, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen
In the King James version it replaces love with charity. Charity to surrender all not allow unforgiveness to remain. In Jesus name I pray amen.
A beautiful read today. I remember a chorus we sang as children – “Isn’t The Love of Jesus Something Wonderful. I’ll try to find it and post it. Blessings.
That is an uplifting song and glorifies Jesus.Thank you ladies.Blessings
The song is by The Stoltzfus Family (with lyrics). “Isn’t The Love of Jesus Wonderful “. Enjoy.
What a beautiful song ! So uplifting . Thank you for posting . I really needed that today. Blessings to all .
Yes a beautiful song. Thanks to Doreen and Laur for sharing. Listening brings such peace and comfort and the Lord knows how much I needed that today. Praying Gods blessings for all. Continuing prayers for the peace if Israel and the safe return of hostages; praying for the return of Christian values to country and to the USA.
May God continue to reveal the voter fraud to ensure a fair election, and open the eyes of Canadians to the same fraudulent behaviour during our elections. I read an article yesterday regarding the election in New Brunswick that the children were bring sacrificed for more nurses and doctors. We do need more Nurses and foctors but not at the expense of our children
Under God
One nation under God that denies Me,
Will fall apart and be devoured,
If you refuse my love that’s free,
As if I am something now soured.
Your enemies have delivered my warning,
Therefore turn back to find truth,
For the wolves only bring mourning
From the sacrifice of your youth.
Greed is now what too many now preach,
For the demon has reached within, (The demons…demo crats.)
But you can still change to teach,
So the children may turn from sin.
If you allow the wolves in their power, (Obama,the Clintons,Biden)
To consume with endless thirst,
Then you are guilty at this hour
In helping bring about the worst.
So remove the wolves behind the crown, (FBI,DOJ,etc the swamp)
For they are deeply entrenched, (Appointed officials )
And let them and their filth drown
As my laws are tightly clenched.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 11/09/2013
To Crown And God
Make America greater still
By following His holy will,
For only God can choose who leads;
The vote is cast by he who heeds.
You do not choose who God may send
For he stands on truth to defend
Against the wolves who try to bend
The will of God,as if to rend.
Behind the throne for longest years
Are those who rule by spreading fears
And hidden monies buy their slaves
But truth shall stand atop their graves.
So guard against the wolves within
And guard yourselves from greatest sin,
For those who follow learn from you
So e’er to crown and God be true.
G W (Bill) Marshall /14 Sept,2020