Monday, September 16, 2024


Today’s Reading: Luke 9

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Tabgha is situated on the north-western shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. It is the traditional site of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. This altar is built over the place where it is said that Jesus took the two fish and five loaves of bread and blessed them. I like to think that in His DAILY early morning prayer time, Jesus received His confirmation from His Father for the miracle of the feeding of the thousands of hungry people.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Luke 9:23

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow Me…”

Peter, Andrew, James and John left their nets. Levi (Matthew) left his tax collecting post. The others left whatever it was they were doing. Now Jesus teaches that this decision must be made DAILY! As God, Jesus made the decision, with His Father, to become Man. As Man, He learned DAILY to live in obedience. “Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered” (Hebrews 5:8). Isaiah 50:4 says, “He awakens me morning by morning to hear as the learned.” In verse 7 of Isaiah 50, the experience of the Messiah is described this way, “I have set my face as a flint.” This blog is designed to help us all every day in making a fresh decision to follow Jesus.


Lord God, I confess that most mornings I would like to stay in bed for another hour, but I know that I cannot follow You closely without doing as Jesus did, taking up His cross daily. I praise You for the grace You give me to follow You. Please continue to give me the gift of discipline every day. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


[Written by David September 16, 2016]

As some readers know, I was told by the experts in March 2012 that I had two years to live. Thanks to the professionals and the Lord Himself, as a result of your prayers, that “expiry date” has been changed. God knows! I’ve been in hospital ever since shortly after my 80th birthday on August 13th. They say I have cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. Some speculate that an insect bite might be the original cause. The infection, particularly seen on my right leg, is now in retreat.  Praise the Lord!

I take comfort in that often-repeated Bible verse, “His mercy endures forever.” That’s found 26 times in Psalm 136. God is consistent. I need to learn by making a deliberate decision every single day to follow Jesus more consistently. How are you, my blog partner, doing in this department?

Yours for “daily” following Jesus,


P.S. Luke, the Physician, is the primary historian of the New Testament. In Luke and Acts he covers a period of 70 years. Over the next few days, I would like to beg the indulgence of readers as I write in the P.S. some thoughts on the reliability of the historical record of Scripture!


7 thoughts on “Monday, September 16, 2024

    • Amen Rob. My husband was given 2 weeks to live and he went into glory exactly to the day. “What a Day that will be, when my Jesus I will see”! Blessings all.

  1. I do not post on this blog every day, but I always read the scriptures
    and am very thankful for the uplifting support it gives me.

    Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for His Word and promise of redemption
    and everlasting life with Him in heaven. Thank You Jesus, in Your
    Name I pray, Amen. I pray for peace in Jerusalem and the world, Amen!

  2. Thankyou for asking how am I doing . Doung well prayi g for breakthrough in our nation, family, community. Praying protection for the IDF., frirnds who love on Israel. Glory to God.
    Blessings to 100 Huntley. All ministry areas in Jesus name amen.

  3. I ‘typed’ this for David when I first learned of his illness,shortly after I joined 100 Words,which also tells me approximately when I signed on by the date it was written.God bless
    In The Blood (4 Pst.David Mainse )

    I pray for healing in the blood,oh Lord,
    I pray You will stretch out your hand,
    That You,my Lord,with Your fiery sword,
    Will show justice and not let evil stand.

    I know,my Lord,that Satan has cursed me
    And that only you can remove this hex,
    For it is you,Most High,that none can see,
    Who can take any scourge from our necks.

    So I pray for healing in the blood,my God,
    That you allow me to serve you,
    So as I spread your word all may laud,
    The name of the Father in all we do.
    G W (Bill) Marshall / 12 September, 2013

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