Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Ruins from Capernaum. In the background you can see a church that is built over what is thought to be the home of Peter.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo…Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 2:15

Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him.


SINNERS WELCOME!…this could be the sign in front of Jesus’ Church. Four men (could’ve been Peter, Andrew, James and John) brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith (the four looking down through the hole in the roof), He said to the man on the mat, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The four could be named, Compassion, Co-operation, Confidence & Courage. Ask yourself, “Do I have three friends with whom I could work to bring someone to Jesus today?”

Does Mark 2:13-17 sound like a Church supper in your Church? If not, should it? Jesus spent almost all His ministry time with sinners and with the outcasts of society. Let’s be unconscious of class, uncaring of economic success, and colourblind. Jesus is an equal opportunity Saviour.


Dear Jesus, thank You for the time I first heard You speak to me through Your Word and say, “Son (or daughter) your sins are forgiven.” Thank You for coming to my place and meeting me there, and meeting others there too. Help me to throw a party, the purpose of which is to introduce You, Jesus, as my Guest of honour! Amen!


Jesus did the most important miracle first. He forgave the sins of the paralyzed man. Secondly, Jesus healed him. That first and greatest miracle happened to me when I was 16. I took Jesus at His Word when He said, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). Later, when I was 19, I also experienced a miracle of healing. I had such a high fever with raging infection shutting down my body that the doctors said I would likely die, or, at the very least, be a mental case for life. Well, I didn’t die, so now you’ve guessed which prediction happened to me…..Here I am, 19 days away from my 80th birthday. My wife thinks I’m in my right mind. For that I’m truly thankful!

For all who started reading with me June 3, we’re into the third time through the Bible now. I’m amazed to still be here on earth. You see, I was given two years to live on March 15th, 2012. Let’s go for another two years!!! Of course anyone can start with us and complete reading every Word two years from the date they begin. Pray for me as I record 31 more Vlogs (video blogs) this week, two minutes each. These are being used for TV network commercial breaks daily on “YES TV.” Here’s a link to my Vlogs!


5 thoughts on “Thursday, July 25, 2024

  1. Amen Rob. I was slacking yesterday but I have caught up now and want to join others praying fir Jerusalem. Praying for peace all through Israel and that all the protesters in both Canada and the USA be brought to salvation and learn the importance of having God on your side. Praying fir a revival to break out during a protest. Blessings all

  2. Thank You Lord for Your Word. Thank You for the opportunity we have to know You. May we hear clearly, Your directions for these times. Bless our families and friends with Your Truth in these difficult days. Bless Israel and protect Your people, opening their eyes to the truth. Amen.

  3. If you look at the date this was written and the content which is in agreement with Mr Trump you might wonder if it was written with him in mind.I wonder if that is true also.I think the 2nd one leaves little doubt.God can,has and will use sinners to do his work (Paul for one).Trump does not even have to be liked or a Christian to be used by God.I think he is the only one who can put the Jennie back in the bottle.No matter.We are heading for very bad times in Israel.We are on the brink now and Jesus could come when you take your next breath.May God bless all connected with this blog.
    Under God

    One nation under God that denies Me,
    Will fall apart and be devoured,
    If you refuse my love that’s free,
    As if I am something now soured.

    Your enemies have delivered my warning,
    Therefore turn back to find truth,
    For the wolves only bring mourning
    From the sacrifice of your youth.

    Greed is now what too many now preach,
    For the demon has reached within, (Your previous government.)
    But you can still change to teach,
    So the children may turn from sin.

    If you allow the wolves in their power, (Obama,the Clintons,Biden)
    To consume with endless thirst,
    Then you are guilty at this hour
    In helping bring about the worst.

    So remove the wolves behind the crown, (FBI,DOJ,etc the swamp)
    For they are deeply entrenched, (Too many to list.)
    And let them and their filth drown
    As my laws are tightly clenched.
    G W (Bill) Marshall / 11/09/2013
    To Crown And God

    Make America greater still
    By following His holy will,
    For only God can choose who leads;
    The vote is cast by he who heeds.

    You do not choose who God may send
    For he stands on truth to defend
    Against the wolves who try to bend
    The will of God,as if to rend.

    Behind the throne for longest years
    Are those who rule by spreading fears
    And hidden monies buy their slaves
    But truth shall stand atop their graves.

    So guard against the wolves within
    And guard yourselves from greatest sin,
    For those who follow learn from you
    So e’er to crown and God be true.
    G W (Bill) Marshall /‎14 ‎Sept,2020

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