Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Today’s Reading: Genesis 27

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REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.

A man stepping out from his home in Nazareth Village, located in modern-day Nazareth, where life in the first century A.D. is re-enacted.

Key Verse: Genesis 27:19

Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn; I have done just as you told me; please arise, sit and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.”

This painful, destructive experience with husband, wife, and twin sons could’ve been avoided if Isaac and Rebekah had been communicating. Look at the mistakes. Rebekah listens in on a private conversation. She then plots dishonestly; she encourages Jacob to deceive and tell an outright lie. As a result, Esau is filled with hatred and contemplates murder. Jacob is forced to run away from home and his character is twisted and bent so badly that he spends years in deception and deceit. The lesson here must be this… Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, communicate in Christian love and understanding. Are you working together with God to make your family truly blessed?


Dear God, please use this daily blog to teach me to listen to You as I read Your Word and then talk to You about what I’ve read. Good communication with You will make all the difference in my ability to communicate with my loved ones. Therefore, I throw myself on Your love and grace. Through the Name of the greatest Communicator, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!


It was at the Church of England in London where the “Alpha” course originated, Holy Trinity, Brompton, that I experienced most deeply the answer to the prayer I’ve just typed. While at the altar, the Lord showed me clearly that I had hurt Norma-Jean deeply. Until that moment, I was blissfully unaware of what I then realized was a truly stupid, uncaring action. It had happened shortly after our wedding. Without going into detail, immediately after my return to Canada, I humbly and honestly asked Norma-Jean’s forgiveness. I also repented before God. I pray fervently that I may communicate well and wisely with my beloved wife. The Apostle Peter, a married man whose wife accompanied him, according to Paul, wrote very wise words as found in 1st Peter, chapter 3. Please take time to read verses 1-7. In particular, verse seven has been a word from God to me. My prayers were being hindered by my insensitivity to my wife. That must never happen again.

Your continually repentant servant,


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2 thoughts on “Wednesday, July 10, 2024

  1. Thank You, Father, for all Your blessings. Help us share You – the greatest blessing of all – with others, in Jesus’s great name, amen

  2. Amen Rob. I had a wonderful, caring, husband who is now with the Lord. Thank You Father, in Jesus Name. Blessings to all.

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