Today’s Reading: Genesis 3-4
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On the lower slope of the Mount of Olives is the Garden of Gethsemane. It is claimed that some of the olive trees here are over 2,000 years old – perhaps these trees were the ones under which Jesus’ disciples slept during the night of His arrest. Like Adam and Eve, no doubt they had excuses for their failure to obey. Jesus had told them to “Watch and pray!” The building you see in the background is “The Church of All Nations”.
Key Verse: Genesis 3:12
Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”
A most important Word that Jesus used over and over is “Repent.” Adam and Eve provide us with examples of what repentance is NOT! They attempted to blame others for their sin. Adam blamed both God and Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. The message is, “STOP THE BLAME GAME!” Pray the sinner’s prayer which Jesus guaranteed would make a person right with God: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). In the two verses following the key verse, God, Himself, gives the first prophecy. He speaks of a most unique event to come. All through the Bible in procreation, it’s the seed of the man, e.g. Abraham (Galatians 3:29), but Jesus is the “Seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15), pointing forward to the virgin birth of Jesus where no man was involved. He crushes Satan. Satan comes in many forms to tempt us. Remind him that his head is crushed by Jesus. Jesus gives us power (authority) to join Him in trampling on the serpent and “Nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). Confess it! Believe it!
Lord Jesus, You and I are “trampling” on the serpent. James wrote,”Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). I do this now, Lord Jesus. The devil has no power over me. In Your authority, Lord Jesus, I pray. AMEN!
Every day before going live to air with the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast, I would state in front of the other hosts, the on-air guests, and the studio audience, words something like this…”We trample on Satan in Jesus’ Name! We pull down the ‘strongholds’ of the enemy” (2 Corinthians 10:4). On the human level we do not defend ourselves. No defence! No offence! We are to love one another, whether friend or enemy! “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Throughout over 10,000 telecasts, Jesus, our production and administration team, our financial supporters, our on-air guests, our telephone prayer partners (over 10 million phone calls) have confirmed the crushing of Satan’s head, and have watched God accomplish mighty works for time and eternity in the lives of infinitely precious people.
To the current Crossroads team and every reader of my blog, KEEP TRAMPLING!!!,
This poem speaks for itself.God bless
Satan blends his thoughts with yours,
You think they came from you,
For his goal is to close all doors,
To control everything you do.
He starts this at an early age,
His lies make you the liar
And if you are in a rage,
That’s when you fuel his hellfire.
But just like Satan who sneaks in,
There is Another who is true,
For He knows well about sin
And what Satan wants with you.
He will only enter if invited,
A slave is not His goal,
He seeks a fire be ignited
From within to make you whole.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 13 June, 2013
Thanks for your words William. They are always inspiring. Blessings and thanks to the Mainse family for continuing this blog. It is the nudge many of us need to read scripture daily and more than just reading the Word, David’s comments make understanding what I read eadier.
Yes, Teresa, I read your blog from yesterday. Thanks for posting and may you continue to be blessed by the blog. I usually go back and check for new posts from yesterday before I start reading the daily blog
Blessings to sll
Great poem, William, as usual! 100 Huntley Street today was interesting and had Chief Cindy Woodhouse (the first woman Indigenous chief) speaking). Very interesting and informative. I’m thanking the Lord today for good weather for today as my son is making a big family move to another area of Ontario. Tomorrow predictions say, “rain”! Blessings all.
God Bless You HJR and all blogers. I’m blessed by you all.
Amen to the comments above
And thank you William again for yet another inspiring thought-provoking poem
Blessings to all ✝️🙏