Friday, June 21, 2024


Today’s Reading: Matthew 22

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The evening view of the Old City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.

Key Verse: Matthew 22:29

Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God…”


There are different denominations in Christianity. There are also denominations in Judaism. The Pharisees were the traditionalists who had added much to the Scriptures. Jesus said that they had made the Word of God ineffective by their traditions (Matthew 15:6). The Sadducees were another group. They practiced Judaism’s rituals but did not believe in Biblical truths such as miracles, and in particular, they denied the resurrection of the dead. Jesus was not with either group. He calls His followers to KNOW THE SCRIPTURES and to KNOW THE POWER OF GOD.


Lord Jesus, I pray for the discipline of daily reading and studying the Scriptures. I also pray that I will know Your power. You promised that, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:8). My heart is wide open to receive Your Holy Spirit. In Your Name, Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen!


Every morning I spend time reading and studying God’s Word. I ask and believe God to speak to me through my reading. God speaks first. I get to know the Scriptures. Then it’s my turn to speak. I pray for understanding of what I’ve read. I pray for my wife, my children, grandchildren and my great-grandchildren by name, and circumstance. I then pray for all others whose needs I am aware of. I pray for all you who read this blog that you will know the Scriptures and the power of God. I pray specifically for all by name who lead in the Church and in the various ministries of which I am aware. Then I spend time in worship, so that I may soak in God’s presence. Thank you very much for doing me the honour of joining me in this two year journey through the Bible.

Praying for you,


P.S. Yesterday I shared a picture of our 1977-1992 building located at the 100 Huntley Street address in Toronto. When our lease concluded, I searched in vain for another building in Toronto to rent, but it was not to be. Therefore, we moved a few miles down the QEW highway (Queen Elizabeth Way) to the western tip of Lake Ontario at Burlington, where, by God’s grace and the support of God’s people, we built the Crossroads Centre. Since 1992, “Day unto day” and “Night unto night” the Word of the Lord has gone forth from this building. The support of people who care about the cause of Christ continues. I consider Crossroads Christian Communications Incorporated to be an absolutely essential service for the cause of Christ. Wonderful people who work in this building have helped me develop and maintain this daily blog. Thank You Lord! Thank You everyone!

The front of the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario.

4 thoughts on “Friday, June 21, 2024

    • Amen Rob. I am so thankful to the family and to David, for this opportunity. I’ve followed the blog since it first started and I get more insight each time we go through the Bible. Thanks all. Blessings.

  1. Amen Rob Doreen and Marilyn
    This is the first starting from the beginning.
    Started 1 1/2 yr ago.
    God Bless you and the Mainse family.

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