Monday, June 10, 2024


Today’s Reading: Matthew 9

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A grain field on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee.

Key Verse: Matthew 9:37-38 (NKJV)

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”


“CAUTION!” This prayer will change you, your family, your income, your giving, your friends, your church, the use of your time, your character, your personality and everything about you. This is Jesus’ prayer request! As soon as you offer that prayer, you become the answer. You are now called to be a labourer. Please read Isaiah 6:1-8. If you confess that “Jesus Christ is Lord,” you have only one answer, “Here am I, send me!” Never sit around waiting for God to push and pull you into service. Your free will controls the gas pedal and the brakes. Push the “Pedal to the metal” and GO FOR IT!


Lord, I am making decisions; please guide me. I believe that the decisions are from You. Now I will initiate action as Your laborer. Amen!


My Dad served as a Missionary (21 years in Egypt), an Educator, and a Pastor. My DNA is serving Jesus. At age 16, Jesus’ laborers surrounded me at school and at my part-time job. I made the decision to give my life to Christ in December of 1952. The following June I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit and in August at a Youth Camp I prayed, “Lord Jesus, I would like to serve You full time for my entire life. Would You please give me a clear call into Pastoral service and as an Evangelist.” He did, and I have “pushed the pedal to the metal” since that time!

Your fellow labourer in the harvest,


P.S. [Note: This “P.S.” was originally written on June 10th, 2016] Two years ago this month I had a dream come true. I rode the “Billy Graham Parkway” in Charlotte, North Carolina, on my 1996 Honda Gold Wing motorcycle. At the Billy Graham Library, I visited the gravesite of Ruth Graham. Billy, who is 97 now, will be buried beside her if the Lord’s return does not happen first. Billy’s grandson, Will Graham, joined me in Charlotte and we rode our motorcycles to Asheville, where the Billy Graham Retreat Centre, “The Cove,” is located. That was my first motorcycle trip in the U.S.A., and  I enjoyed every minute…praising God and singing as I rode!

Riding down the Billy Graham Parkway in Charlotte, NC, with Will Graham leading the way.

With Will outside the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. We had a wonderful visit and motorcycle ride together.

5 thoughts on “Monday, June 10, 2024

    • Amen,Rob Thanks
      My late ‘ridding buddy’ and I rode that same parkway in May 2013.God bless
      Search Me

      Search me,oh Lord,I’m Your’s,
      Remove the cobwebs that hide,
      Find out what my heart stores,
      Then put the wrong far to one side.

      Search again,oh Lord,for light,
      Let not darkness cloud my mind,
      That I may freely do what’s right,
      For I want a heart clean and kind.

      Search my soul,Oh Lord,for me;
      Don’t let me be vain and phony,
      For such get lost and can’t see,
      Then become the devil’s crony.

      Search my heart,oh Lord again,
      Leave no trace of greed within,
      Then I can show,without pain,
      The love betrayed by my sin.Amen
      G W Marshall / 08-Nov-013

  1. Amen Rob. I searched “Pharisees” (who are the Pharisees today”, etc. Very interesting explanations. Blessings all.

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