Today’s Reading: Zechariah 1-3
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This is a model of the Temple from the time of Jesus. King Herod renovated the Temple which had been built in the time of Zechariah 500 years earlier. This Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Zechariah 1:17, 2:5
Again proclaim, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts:
‘My cities shall again spread out through prosperity;
The Lord will again comfort Zion,
And will again choose Jerusalem.'”
“…For I,” says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.”
That word “prosperity,” in our first key verse, may have been a strange concept for these people who had been through very hard times. Ezra, the priest, who had led the original group of Jews back to Jerusalem from Babylon, wrote these words: “So the elders of Israel built, and they PROSPERED through the prophesying of Haggai, the prophet, and Zechariah, the son of Iddo” (Ezra 6:14a). Initially, Zechariah, a younger man, may have ministered as an assistant to Haggai. Zechariah’s book is the longest of all the minor prophets. It is truly a major message from God to all of us.
With preaching, such as in our second key verse, it’s no wonder that the people responded by working together in unity to complete the Temple construction and restore the worship of the One True God. The “wall of fire” would provide protection against temptations from within, because of the glory of God inside, and protection from the attacks of the world from outside. As we daily live in the presence of God, worshipping and serving Him, He’s got us covered!
Lord God, I pray that I will never take You for granted, but take You at Your Word! May I rely on Your promises daily, promises such as those found in our key verses. I believe that You are my “Prosperity,” and “The wall of fire” protecting me. Grant that I may be always at peace and that I may be encouraged in my service to You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!!!
I am a greatly blessed man. I’m prospering as a result of the preaching of God-called preachers/pastors. I believe and preach that one should be totally loyal to one’s home Church and Pastor, being present whenever a service is convened. But I also believe and teach that with that solid foundation of loyalty, we can be blessed and encouraged by others. During one period of my life, I went to three Sunday Schools every Sunday: our own church at 10 a.m., the Christian and Missionary Alliance at 2 p.m. and the Salvation Army at 3 p.m. I can hear it now, “This boy had the makings of a fanatic!” Well it just depends on one’s definition of the word “fanatic”…e.g. a sports “fan-atic,” or “someone who is more enthusiastic about their cause than you are about yours.” Anyway, the people of Jerusalem worked with unusual enthusiasm in their cause due to the preaching of those two preachers, and the result was that they prospered!!!
Yours for loving and serving God with all our hearts, minds, souls, and strength!
Thank You, Lord, for Godly people throughout time. Bless all Your people today and show each one they are special in Your sight, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Also, rereading a wise exhortation from Benjamin Franklin:
Should be required reading for all elected officials and their appointees in all levels of government.Thanks for sharing,Rob.God bless
Amen Rob and William.
Also Amen to David’s Prayer for Today, in Jesus’ Name I pray.
None Are Left
Lord,I come to you to follow,
To where your path may lead
And you know my tongue’s not hollow
Because my heart you read.
In this valley I feel alone
But then your words recall,
The example of love you hone,
With forgiveness for all.
Please put me on the path to take,
For alone I am blind,
But with you the difference I make
Can reach all of mankind.
Let me point the way to the truth,
To cause your light to shine,
For we must reach out to our youth
So none are left behind.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 29 March, 2014