Monday, February 12, 2024


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 39-41

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This statue of Cola Di Rienzo was erected in 1877 near Campidoglio, Italy, where he was killed. Di Rienzo was an Italian medieval politician and popular leader in the mid-14th century. As far as we know, the people of Jerusalem did not make sculptures of their most famous leaders, otherwise there would’ve been statues of David, Solomon, Hezekiah, and Josiah. These men all accomplished great things, unlike the king in today’s reading who was disgraced and executed by the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verses: Jeremiah 39:18

“…For I will surely deliver you, and you shall not fall by the sword; but your life shall be as a prize to you, because you have put your trust in Me,” says the Lord.

Our key verse gives us the eternal perspective of God as He sees the future deliverance of His people. This should help us to realize that when we put our trust in God, regardless of present circumstances, we’ll eventually win the “Gold.”

Chapter 39 – After 18 months of siege, the Babylonians broke through Jerusalem’s walls, burned the city, captured King Zedekiah, killed his sons in front of him, blinded him and took him to Babylon in chains, never to return to Jerusalem. Such was the end of one who had repeatedly heard the Word of God but ignored it. Zedekiah brought this on himself. God had done His best through Jeremiah to warn the King (2 Kings 25:4-7).

Chapters 40 & 41 show us why Jeremiah won God’s prize for his life. The Babylonians released him from Zedekiah’s prison and offered him position, land and freedom in Babylon, but he chose to stay home and minister to those left behind in the ruins of their country, where wicked and violent men such as Ishmael were creating continued havoc. Our choices also should be to stay where we are most needed, serving the Lord faithfully.


Lord God, I pray that I will consistently do my very best to win the prize of life, here and now, as well as eternally. Lord, Your Word tells me that my works will be “revealed by fire.” The “wood, hay and straw” will be burned up, but the “gold, silver and precious stones” will remain (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). I’m asking for grace to “strive for the prize.” In the Name of the One Who has gone before me, the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!!!


I cannot help but recall the first gathering ever of the leaders of various Christian denominations in the history of communist Russia and the former 14 additional republics of the Soviet Union. Undeservedly, I was invited to be the speaker at two nights of this conference. With the help of a Finnish ministry, we had earlier released across the Soviet Union the first ever Christian-produced TV series in the Russian language on prime time television. I had the privilege on these telecasts of interviewing leading scientists, philosophers, etc. about God’s creation. The USSR was officially atheist, and our goal was to create doubt in the minds of those who believed that God did not exist. As was the case with Jeremiah, pastors had been severely persecuted. One pastor I met had badly twisted fingers on his right hand. I asked him what happened. He said that the local authorities had broken his fingers, one at a time, to try to make him deny his faith in God, but he refused. I felt like crawling under the table at which we were sitting. I was not worthy to be in his presence, let alone be the guest preacher. I weep at the memory.

Yours for striving for the “gold” that will remain through the fire,


P.S. Prior to the invasion of Iraq (Chaldea/Babylon) by the American coalition of nations, billboards were everywhere which pictured the brutal dictator, Saddam Hussein, with his hero, Nebuchadnezzar.

Saddam Hussein and King Nebuchadnezzar on a billboard in Iraq. This modern would-be emperor tortured and murdered tens of thousands of his people. He allowed his sons to have “rape rooms” to which they took any woman that they wanted. This was evil personified!

6 thoughts on “Monday, February 12, 2024

  1. Amen to David’s Prayer for Today.
    Jeremiah 39: 18 assures us of our Lord’s Grace and
    Salvation, when we trust and obey Him.
    Praise our Lord God Almighty, in whom we trust, Amen!

  2. I think that might have been Richard Wurmbrand (spelling), that David spoke with. I would have a hard time speaking after hearing of that man’s torcher. He spoke at People’s Church in Toronto years ago. Amazing testimony. Richard wrote a book, about his experience, “Tortured for Christ”. Blessings all.

  3. Amen Doreen
    I watch the movie tortured for Christ several times
    It’s not an easy movie to watch
    Apparently Richard and his wife Sabina where gas on 100 Huntley Street years ago if you go to the 100 Huntley Street archives you should be able to find the interview where he basically tells his life story
    What that man went through with nothing short of amazing that he would not deny his face in God no matter what they did to him and what he went through was absolutely mind-boggling that it beggars description that man is now in heaven he passed away in 2001 amen Richard 🙏✝️

  4. Hi Luisa: Edward is still in hospice but he had to move from here. We are in the process of trying to have home palliative care that might not be proper name. Although he still has lleukemia he had improved a lot with the care he has been given. Therefore he has to move from here. He wants to go home so we are trying to do that. He needs therapy as he has not walked since Christmas Eve.
    Things could change at any time or so we have been told, No one knows how he is surviving only God so I am trusting in Him.
    I do value your prayers. Blessings to all.

    • Thank you Eleanor for the update. I recognize that you have your hands full with Edward so I truly appreciate you taking the time to write.
      I will continue to pray for both of you. May God direct all the steps to be taken regarding Edward‘s care. It’s amazing that he is going home because he’s “too well” to be kept in hospice. That is something that does not usually happen. God has His plans for us and nothing can prevail against Him.
      May His peace cover you and His strength carry you! 🙏🤗🙏

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