Today’s Reading: Psalms 145-146
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In the Jordan Valley, King Herod built one of his palaces on the top of a mountain known as Masada, as it was the most defensible location in his domain. Herod was the most insecure of kings. He built several such fortress palaces. The Kingdom of the King of Kings is everlasting and His dominion endures throughout all generations and forever!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalms 145:3,13
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!…Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
Psalm 145 is another acrostic poem in the Hebrew language. It serves as an introduction to the final five hymns of praise and worship! The theme is in verse five. David extols, blesses, meditates, declares, speaks, and tells us all that every day he will make known with his mouth the praises of the Lord! Praising God not only involves private and public worship but let us never forget that it means telling others in the world around us, particularly teaching the next generation all about God and His mighty deeds!
In Psalm 146 the great king, David, makes a declaration. We are to praise the greatest King, the One Who is King of kings! David states that as long as he lives he will practice what he preaches to us. He ends the Psalm with another, “PRAISE THE LORD!!!”
Lord God, I know that You alone are the One in whom I can put total, ultimate trust. Therefore, I trust the One Who did as Psalm 146 says, “Opens the eyes of the blind,” “Raises those who are bowed down and loves the righteous” (remember He gives us His righteousness by faith), “Watches over the strangers,” “Relieves the fatherless and widow,” and “Turns upside down” (the wicked). In the Name of this One, the One Whose Name is Jesus, I pray. Amen!!!
This day here in Canada is called “Remembrance Day.” We remember those who gave their lives to secure our peace and freedoms in this land. I think that I can best honour these who fell in battle by focusing on the death of the Lord Jesus Christ in the greatest war of all…the war against sin, death itself, the devil and his forces of evil. In 2013 I attended a Remembrance function on the eleventh of November. I sat at a table with a mother and father who had lost a son in the Afganistan war. Their son had a premonition of his death and made a videotape for his parents. I’ve just read again Psalm 146:5a, where there’s another use of the word, “Happy.” In yesterday’s reading there were two uses of “Happy.” I am a happy person! Praise the Lord!!!
Yours for remembering to remember, not just once a year but daily!
“Lest we forget”.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…and the peace,prosperity and protection of all of Israel.May God bless
A Soldier’s Cross
The soldier honourably met his fate
And as he stood before the gate,
He thought he would forever wait
But his name was found atop the slate.
You willingly gave your precious life,
To help free others from hell’s strife
Leaving behind both child and wife,
Now your reward awaits,just and rife.
He wondered if he would be sent below,
For having killed his country’s foe,
He then heard an emphatic No,
Straight to the Lord with honour you go.
It was long ago a battle was fought,
When to all an example taught,
And since then we’ve never forgot,
With His life our forgiveness was bought.
In Heaven there are soldiers everywhere,
For they gave that others might fare
With peace and love for all to share,
But a soldier’s cross is hard to bear.
G W (Bill) Marshall/2011~2012
Thank you for this heart-felt Poem.
Today, I remember not only my Brother, but all those who died in wars , and all those who bravely served in an attempt to ‘secure peace and freedom’ for us all.
Eleanor, my prayers continue for Edward and you – your perseverance, strength, and God’s Peace and Love.
Thank you dear Laur for your prayers for Edward and I .God bless you and others who are also praying for us.
Amen to your prayer William and thanks for sharing your poem. It is so important to remember those that fought for our freedom, many paying the ultimate price. Praying that their battles were not in vain, that those that don’t recognize the evils in our world today will have their hearts and eyes opened and return to biblical values and accept the salvation freely offered.
Amen to the prayers above.
Father God, You are the King of Heaven’s Armies, and we praise You for overcoming all the foe for us – even death.
Help all Your people find their strength in You.
Remember all those who feel forgotten, unknown, overlooked, and beaten down, and help them hear You calling, the One who leaves the ninety and nine, and goes out searching for the one lost.
Help us also, Your soldiers here, go out in Your strength to do our best in the work You’ve given us, in Jesus’s great, great, great name, amen
And, a commentary on contemporary Canada from the great John Robson:
John Robson: Military’s Insistence That Prayers Be ‘Inclusive’ Means Christians Are Excluded