Today’s Reading: Psalms 137-139
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A beautiful view of the Old City of Jerusalem at night. It was here in Jerusalem that David prayed with great fervency the prayer suggested for today!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 138:2b, 139:23-24
For Your lovingkindness and Your truth;
For You have magnified Your Word above all Your Name.
…Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 137 is the lament of some of the Jerusalem Temple musicians who were taken as slaves to Babylon. These words are very sad at the beginning, but suddenly their tone changes to anger and thoughts of future revenge. They did not have God’s love and forgiveness in their hearts.
Psalm 138 is David’s composition. Our first key verse teaches us that God’s Word is of highest value! This should be motivation enough to be consistent in our daily readings!
Psalm 139 is a profound theological statement. God is OMNISCIENT! (all knowing). God gave new and revolutionary understanding to David, his generation, and all future generations! God is OMNIPRESENT! (present everywhere). He is here so that we can, if we are willing, experience His presence 24/7!!!
Lord God, the man after Your own heart, David, wrote a prayer which I intend to pray now and often: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” I pray this in the Name of the One in Whom there is no wicked way, and Who, through my faith in Him, leads me in the way of everlasting life! That’s Jesus only! Amen!!!
While I don’t know the tune to which David’s chief musician sung the words of Psalm 139, I do know by heart a magnificent modern hymn which I’m going to look for on Google right now….I’ve just been worshipping God with “Carmen,” one of my favourite singers. Not only does he sing the prayer from Psalm 139, but his medley includes the hymn “I Surrender All,” and he has led me into a new commitment to God for this new day (click here for Carmen). I encourage taking time now to pray and worship!
Yours for God’s work in our lives and for our worship of God!!!
Lord God, this whole world is Yours, and we praise You for being the only One worthy to be the rightful and righteous ruler.
Have Your way in all this world, including Israel. The whole world is indebted to Israel for bringing us the Bible and the Messiah.
Bless Israel, Lord; show them You are calling with outstretched arms. Bless all Your faithful servants bringing Your Word. I ask in the name of Jesus, the Lord of all.
Amen, and Shalom-Shalom, Rob.
We have so much to be thankful for.Praise God
Here is the famous song from today’s reading by Bony M and my own prayer.May God bless
Search Me
Search me,oh Lord,I’m Your’s,
Remove the cobwebs that hide,
Find out what my heart stores,
Then put the wrong far to one side.
Search again,oh Lord,for light,
Let not darkness cloud my mind,
That I may freely do what’s right,
For I want a heart clean and kind.
Search my soul,Oh Lord,for me;
Don’t let me be vain and phony,
For such get lost and can’t see,
Then become the devil’s crony.
Search my heart,oh Lord again,
Leave no trace of greed within,
Then I can show,without pain,
The love betrayed by my sin.Amen
G W Marshall / 08-Nov-013
I must have been inspired by today’s reading when I wrote the above judging by the date.I only joined 100 Words a few months prior.
Boney M. – Rivers Of Babylon ’88
Yes and amen again and again!! Praise Jesus our Lord and king! “He watching over Israel slumbers not nor sleeps “ Ps121…and He watches over you and me! Hallelujah!!
Amen Alice. Blessings to all.