Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalm 77

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Caesarea Maritima is a national park on the Israeli coastline, near the modern city of Caesarea. The ancient Caesarea Maritima city and harbor was built by Herod the Great about 25-13 BC. The city was populated through the late Roman and Byzantine eras. A good place to start meditating on God’s work, as our key verse suggests, is by observing nature. This sea scape proclaims the greatness of our Creator God!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: Psalms 77:12-13

I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great as our God?


Dr. John Hull, the former global CEO for Crossroads, earned his doctorate from one of the most highly respected theological colleges in the world, Gordon Conwell Seminary of South Hamilton, Massachusetts. John shares his insights with us on Psalm 77 here on today’s blog…

God is not embarrassed by the transparency of our prayers. In Psalm 77, the writer is transparent and authentic in his desperate need for God — and in his own inability to live godly apart from holy God. The writer’s humanity asks the same kind of questions we often ask: Will the Lord accept me or reject me? Will I ever expect His favor again when things seem so hard? Is He withholding His compassion because He’s angry at me? Amazing isn’t it? The transparent thoughts of ancient and modern man seem to have little variance.The Psalmist presses on though, beyond the questions, the doubts and the insecurities, toward peace and victory! His process? He doesn’t focus on life’s challenges nor upon his own fallen state. Instead, he finds peace and comfort by focusing on the very character of God. He recharges his spirit by focusing on God as holy, powerful, and purposeful. The take-away of Psalm 77 is when one is overwhelmed by life and/or fear, focus on the perfection of God, the wisdom of God and the inability of God to ever do wrong. It’s within the character of God that we find peace within the character of our lives. – John


Lord, I thank You for the privilege of praying daily with all who share prayer needs in response to this blog. I ask for blessings and “Yes” or “No” or “Wait” answers to prayer for each person. In Jesus’ Name I come before Your throne of mercy. Amen!!!


I want to make an observation about yesterday’s reading. In Psalm 76 Asaph focuses on God and repeats the word “You” (God) several times. Then Asaph switches to the word, “I,” and repeats it a dozen times in the first 12 verses of Psalm 77. No wonder he is discouraged! He is focusing on himself. But he finally gets it right! Our key verse is the turning point. Eleven times in the last 10 verses of Asaph’s hymn he focuses back on God with the words “You” or “Your.” No wonder he is optimistic about life once again!

Yours with thankfulness, meditating on God, and joining our prayers together,


6 thoughts on “Wednesday, October 11, 2023

  1. Lord God, You are the eternal King. Many in this world are crying out to You. We know You hear those cries. We commit these people into Your hands. Save them, Father.
    Even in the worst of the wars, when we with worldly eyes only saw death and destruction, You were bringing loved individuals to You.
    May all Your people take part in bringing Your Word to others, so they know they can call on You. Bless all Your workers, in Jesus’s great name, amen

  2. Such wisdom in today’s reading.
    It is overwhelming to read and hear about the wars and suffering going on in our world.
    We are encouraged to focus on the character of Almighty God.

    Heavenly Father I join in with all bloggers to pray for Israel and for every man, woman and child affected by this war.
    Hear our prayers for Jesus sake.

  3. I totally agree with the above,amen.I don’t pray for Israel because of this blog.I have been praying for “the peace of Jerusalem and the peace,prosperity and protection of ALL of Israel” for several years,even though they,for the most part,still reject our Lord.They are still His chosen people and will turn to Him when the time is right.
    This war against ‘the devil’s children’ will die down but the hatred will remain as long as the enemy (the prince of Persia) controls Iran.I am proud of the US performing a blocking action in northern Israel.May God bless all

  4. Agreeing with you all. It is the greatest privilege we have – to know God. Praying for Jewish friends and neighbours and the Peace of Jerusalem. Blessings all.

  5. Joining everyone in prayers for israel. Listening to victory news they advise us to pray and remember God’s word as stated in Amos 9:14-15 NKJV talking about Israel
    “I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them.
    “I will plant them in their land, And no longer shall they be pulled up From the land I have given them,” Says the LORD your God.”

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