Today’s Reading: Psalms 38-39
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here is an “arrow loop” in the wall of Jerusalem’s Zion Gate. These were slots in the walls through which defenders would shoot arrows in ancient times. We may not shoot literal arrows, but Jeremiah 9:8a says, “Their tongue is as an arrow shot out.” Zion Gate is located in the southern part of the Old City. This gate was used by the Israel Defense Forces in 1967 to enter and capture the Old City. The stones surrounding the gate are still pockmarked by weapons fire. This entrance leads to the Jewish and Armenian quarters (wider photo below)..
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 39:1
I said, “I will guard my ways,
Lest I sin with my tongue;
I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle,
While the wicked are before me.”
There’s a very big word here which has only one letter, the letter “i”. In these two Psalms, “i”, or actually the capital “I”, appears 19 times. Could it be that we focus on ourselves too much and not enough on God? Our tongues provide the most obvious indication of what’s going on inside the “I”. David, Solomon, Paul and James all wrote about the problem we have with our tongues. James even wrote that our tongues can start a forest fire (read James 3:1-10). Dangerous or what? David writes that he can stop sinning with his tongue by guarding his ways and restraining his mouth with a muzzle. We muzzle dangerous dogs, but is this the best way to keep us, as humans made in God’s image, from backbiting and attacking one another? Self (the big “I”) control is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). The Spirit produces this fruit of self-control in our lives, not the big “I”. The Apostle Paul follows his description of the fruit of the Spirit with these words, “Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh (the “I”) with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24). Therefore, controlling our tongues is possible by yielding daily to the Spirit of God. It will take time for good fruit to grow and ripen, so that if someone takes a bite out of us, they will taste the goodness of Jesus, who dwells in every believer.
Lord God, Your servant David, twice in today’s reading, compares our lives to “vapor.” Like the morning mist, my life seems to evaporate. I ask, “Where has time gone?” Therefore, Lord, I pray all the more fervently that You will make every moment and every word I speak or write count for good. Fill me up to overflowing, I pray, so that from the overflow of Your Spirit I will bless others with the words my tongue speaks. Amen!!!
For some reason the sitcom which featured Archie and Edith Bunker comes to mind. I remember that when Edith would be making her point rather emotionally, Archie would say, “Stifle yourself!” I’m laughing as I imagine the scene, but in reality it was no laughing matter to be a part of such a dysfunctional family. Perhaps the essence of comedy is the difference between what I am as a person and what I know I should be. It’s much easier and more fun to laugh than to cry. Archie’s instructions to his wife, “Stifle yourself,” never worked. Edith’s tongue kept right on upsetting Archie in every episode.
By God’s Spirit, Who, according to the Scriptures, lives in me, I can have a tongue which follows the instruction given by Solomon, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Proverbs 25:11).
Yours for words “fitly spoken” to people around us and in prayer to God!
A Message from Ron Mainse…
It was on this day in 2017 that my father, David Mainse, went home to be with the Lord. He desired that this “100 Words” two-year journey through the Bible be continued after his passing. I am privileged to help out in fulfilling his wishes by reposting his daily blogs!
If you’d like to learn more about David Mainse, his memorial website can be found HERE. Also, below is our family’s original announcement of his passing…
Mainse Family Announcement of the Passing of David Mainse:
It is with great sadness yet divine peace that Norma-Jean and the entire Mainse family share the news of the passing of their beloved David. He went into the presence of his precious Saviour on the morning of September 25th, 2017, surrounded by his family, ending a 5-year battle with MDS leukemia. The Lord graciously extended his life 3 years beyond what the doctors initially predicted, allowing his family and friends to enjoy for a little longer his deep wisdom, caring heart and passionate encouragement.
David was a beloved husband to Norma-Jean for 59 years (as of September 19th) and also leaves behind four children, daughter Elaine and her husband Bruce Stacey, daughter Ellen and her husband Nizar Shaheen, son Reynold and his wife Kathy, and son Ron and his wife Ann, as well as 16 grandchildren with many spouses, and 13 great-grandchildren…all of whom have been amazingly blessed and forever influenced by his genuine love and Godly example.
David’s passion for Jesus spilled out into every area of his life and fueled him as an enthusiastic evangelist, visionary leader, and beloved mentor to so many. Having been in TV ministry since 1962, David was greatly loved by countless people with whom he connected daily, sharing the love of Jesus and wearing his heart on his sleeve. He was a man of impeccable integrity whose public and personal life were in clear alignment, enabling him to powerfully impact the masses and the individual…especially his family. Through his words and actions, David lived out his oft-quoted words, “One soul is worth more than the whole world.” His life-long desire was to see precious lives transformed for all eternity through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ…a desire he satisfied with great success.
Although he will be greatly missed, David’s influence will live on through his family, the ministry he founded (Crossroads), and the many lives he touched and inspired in his beloved Canada and around the world during his 60+ years of ministry.
Thank you so much, Ron, for continuing to repost your father’s daily blog. Although I rarely comment, I have been reading it for about 5 years and look forward to it every day. It helps me be consistent in reading throughout the entire Bible and his thoughts and wisdom are inspiration to me.
Yes. Much thanks to David and all the Mainse family for their great work in bringing God’s Word to us. May God bless and expand this work, in Jesus’s great name, amen
I echo the above thoughts.It is a sweet and sour day,my ‘adopted sister’,Shirley (who guided me to this blog and also follows it) turns 85 today.Her late husband,John pastored a Presbyterian church in the Brighton area when David was serving there.She and Norma Jean shared a mutual friend,the wife of another (Pentecostal ?) pastor.One son still lives there.Happy birthday,Shirley.
Also,I repeat a big thank you to Ron for honouring his father’s wishes.May God bless the whole Mainse family.
Yes thank you Ron for continuing this great work. I’m sure many are blessed.
Amen to your comment Gwen.
I also appreciate this blog and keep learning
from God’s Word.
Many thanks to Ron and the Mainse family.
David Mainse is still dearly missed. Thank you for continuing to publish this amazing 2 year Bible reading plan. Thank God that the influence of this mighty, humble man of God does carry on through Norma Jean and their family, and through countless other ministries of Crossroads Christian Communications!
Miss you David Mainse but so very thankful that you live-on – on earth, in so many ways- esp. through your wonderful family and their abundant ministries; even more, you live on, with our Lord and Saviour…..
Thank you that your Family and friends can still celebrate life with you through this Blog.
You were a good and faithful servant……
Amen to all of the above comments. It is so good to have this blog coming everyday. Thank you family. The Lord bless you abundantly.
Greetings to all followers of Jesus, the Mainse’ family and this blog. I’ve been blessed to have followed it since its inception, June 2012 – it was a “life-saver” for me during that first period since my husband passed from this earth in January. 2012. Now I, along with three of my friends follow it daily and use it as a spring board for our Bible Study! Thank you Mainse’ Family for continuing to post this beautiful and timeless blog every day. I don’t think we could find a better one anywhere. The layout is clear and concise, Bible passage reference, a photo of the location, Key Verse, short dissertation, prayer – always so meaningful – then personal words from David Mainse himself. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! May you all providers, readers and sharers of this word be blessed in new and profound ways while we wait for the “soon coming” of our wonderful and blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Thank you Mainse family for this blog.
I only started two years ago and I have been blessed.
I can to know the Lord when I called for prayer after an operation.
I was watching 100 Huntley St. many moon’s ago.
God Bless You All.