Today’s Reading: 2 Timothy 1
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There are many foundations of shops and homes that can be seen in ancient Ephesus. In this photo you can see a threshold to what was once a shop or home. The symbols that can be seen indicate that a Christian lived here, and the many small round divots that were carved into the threshold had a very practical purpose…so that people would not slip as they entered.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
The New King James translation is an excellent study Bible. The edition I use for this blog is called “The Open Bible Expanded Edition.” Here are quotations from the commentary on 2nd Timothy: “It is clear from the sharp imperatives that his letter is really a combat manual for use in spiritual warfare: ‘stir up’ (verse 6) – ‘do not be ashamed’ (verses 8 & 12) – ‘share with me in the sufferings’ (verse 8 ) – ‘hold fast…sound words’ (verse 13) – ‘that good thing…keep’ (verse 14).”
These orders continue on throughout 2nd Timothy. Our key verse contains what may be the most important fact for us to know with absolute assurance. Fear cripples people. There is the fear of the unknown, of people, and of death, to name a few. Fear will cause us to shrink back by demoralizing us (1 Samuel 13:5-8) and by giving us an attitude of defeat (Numbers 13:30 – 14:2). God does not intend His people to live in fear!!!
Lord God, I confess with my mouth, backed up by my whole heart, these words as I pray, “You have given me power, love, and a sound mind.” I ask for grace to take and use Your gifts to me again today and every day. May I seize the opportunities that surely will come my today. In the Name of the One whose motto could be, “NO FEAR,” Jesus, Himself, Amen!!!
I can imagine Timothy there in Ephesus, standing under the shadow of that immense Temple of Diana, one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, attempting to speak about Jesus with those who were entering or exiting the gigantic structure to give themselves to the goddess. I know that I would surely be in fervent prayer for boldness!
I take encouragement from Timothy. From his first letter I learned that Timothy may have had stomach problems (1 Timothy 5:23). Illness is a human problem we all face from time to time. To bolster my courage for today, I’ve read again 1 Timothy 6:12-16. I serve the One who is “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honour and everlasting power. Amen!” Almighty God has become One of us in the Person of Jesus! How amazing is that?
Yours for sharing Jesus today and every day with those we meet,
Thank You, Lord God, for another day of Life. Keep Doreen and all Your people in Your precious care. Meet each one in their specific needs, I ask in the great name of Jesus, amen
Thinking of you Doreen and praying for peace for you as you move – do not give into the fear
God bless each and every blogger
Thank you folk for your prayers. A great read for me today, re: fear. Blessings all.
Thinking of and praying for Doreen, Eleanor and Edward, Teresa and her niece and family and all bloggers whatever needs you are facing today
I would also appreciate your prayers as I am facing some challenging situations. May God help me not to be anxious nor give in to fear .
Bless you all.
Praying for you Luisa. May God bless & give you peace. In Jesus Name, minister to Luisa in the way that You know she needs and would benefit. Amen