Today’s Reading: 1 Timothy 3-4
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The building on the left is known as the Mamertine Prison. Tradition tells us that Paul and Peter were both held in this prison before they were martyred. From here the letters to Timothy and Titus were written during the final imprisonment of Paul. In Paul’s first incarceration he was allowed to stay in a private house. Upon entering the city of Rome, “Julius, a centurion of the Augustan Regiment” (Acts 27:1), handed Paul over to the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the commanding officer). The official duty of the Prefect was to keep in custody all accused persons who were to be tried before the Emperor. “Now when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard; but Paul was permitted to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him” (Acts 28:16). The church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, built in the 16th century, now stands above the Mamertine.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Timothy 4:14a
Do not neglect the gift that is in you…
Chapter three gives practical instructions for those who carry the responsibilities of leadership in the church. The word “Bishop” is used interchangeably with “Pastor” in the churches of the first century. The role of a “Deacon” was defined in the first church in Jerusalem (read Acts 6:1-8). Stephen, the Jerusalem Deacon and first martyr, is a powerful example of someone who “served well” (1 Timothy 3:13b). Stephen most certainly had “great boldness in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus.”
Chapter four gives us a solemn warning concerning false teachers. We need to remember that Satan went into the religion business at the beginning of the human family (Genesis 3). Here are instructions for Timothy and all his helpers: (1) Instruct (2) Be a good minister (3) Follow carefully good doctrine (4) Reject fables (5) Exercise…to godliness (6) Bodily exercise profits a little – keep in good physical shape (7) Godliness is profitable in all things (8) Let no one despise your youth (9) Be an example (10) Give attention to reading (how about this blog) (11) Our key verse – exercise the gifts God has given (12) Meditate on these things (13) Take heed to yourself and the doctrine.This is good counsel for all of us too!
Lord God, I pray that I will not neglect the gift that is in me. May I faithfully recognize the gifts that are in my brothers and sisters in the faith. Help me to listen more carefully to the teaching of others who are called by You to teach, preach, witness, and serve. In Jesus’ Name I ask these requests, Amen!
When I look at the pictures my son has taken and freely shared with us, I recognize that obedience to the call of God requires, if necessary, death to my own plans and ambitions. While still a teenager, I took great delight in following Jesus. I realized that as I “Delight [myself] in the Lord, He will give [me] the desires of [my] heart.” I’ve just taken time to read from King David Psalm 37:1-8, which teaches me that I should seek to know what delights the heart of God, and then line my desires up with His. When my desires are the same as His desires, “He shall give you [me] the desires of your [my] heart” (Psalm 37:4).
Rev. Keith Running planted a new congregation in Brighton, Ontario. I followed him as Pastor there in the Fall of 1958. He had developed a marvellous document called a “Local Church Constitution.” The roles of Pastor and Deacons were outlined carefully, as well as other organizational matters. I learned a great deal from Keith. Because of such a wise document, even the church business meetings were enjoyable.
Yours for learning and applying the practical teachings of ministry in the local church,
I will not let anyone despise “my youth”!! I don’t think that will be a problem though. Ha ha. Amazingly, pictures of the place where Paul stayed, looks well preserved. Good teaching for leaders in the churches, even today. Blessings all.
Blessings to you Doreen, I like that little bit of humour.
I am still praying for you and and your upcoming move. I believe the Lord will guide you all way, I know you are trusting Him so everything will fall into place. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Eleanor. I’m not sleeping well. I was awake @ 5 & decided to get some packing done! It feels like 40 Celsius here in Hamilton/Ancaster!!! Take care
From the end of Psalm 37 (even tho it’s all good):
“The Lord rescues the godly;
he is their fortress in times of trouble.
The Lord helps them,
rescuing them from the wicked.
He saves them,
and they find shelter in him.”
Thank You, Lord God, for Your never-ending goodness.
Amen. So true.
I feel for you. Moving can be overwhelming, at the best of times. Even more so when you’re alone and moving into a long term care facility. I do keep you in my prayers. God will help you through the process. He’s our helper and also a husband to the widow. He’s got you. Bless you!
Amen to the prayers and comments for Doreen.
He will be with you as you move. We just had a friend make a big move – he is 91 and has lived in the home he was leaving all his life. When he was getting married his parents moved closer to town and he and his new wife took over. He list his wife to cancer many years ago so he has lived there alone. Big big change for him too but we are trusting Jesus to be with him too