Today’s Reading: Philippians 4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Apostle Paul was guided to the city of Philippi by a vision (Acts 16:9-10), probably around 49 or 50 AD. Accompanied by Silas, Timothy and possibly Luke, Paul preached for the first time on European soil in Philippi (Acts 16:12-40) and baptized Lydia, a purple dye merchant, in a river to the west of the city. While in Philippi, his exorcism of a demon from a slave girl caused a great uproar in the city, which led to their arrest (Paul and Silas) and public beating (Acts 16:16-24). A miraculous earthquake caused their prison to be opened. The jailer prepared to kill himself, thinking all the prisoners had escaped and knowing that he would be severely punished. Paul stopped him, indicating that all the prisoners were in fact still there. The jailer then became one of the first Christians in Europe (Acts 16:25-40). Paul visited the city at least on two other occasions, in 56 and 57 AD. The Epistle to the Philippians dates from around 61-62 AD and shows the immediate impact of Paul’s instruction.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Philippians 4:19
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
The first three verses are most interesting. Paul commends the “Brothers,” but perhaps two of the women were not in such close fellowship. Nevertheless, Paul also commended the women who “laboured with me in the Gospel.”
It’s an order repeated twice, “REJOICE!” Whether we feel like it or not, let’s do it! A good start is to, “Be anxious for nothing,” then confirm our decision by prayer and thanksgiving.
We can claim 100% the promise from God stated in our key verse, because we believe the previous sentence found in verse 13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Let’s just do it! Go ahead, try something which is included under the heading of “all things,” and watch God supply “all your need” in order to accomplish “all things.” Another promise is, “All things are yours.” Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 & 3:1-23. Note that the word “things” is repeated 13 times.
Lord Jesus, as You inspired Paul to write, “All things are Yours” in 1 Corinthians 3:21, may I be consciously and fervently seeking Your will so that I will know what things You desire of me and for me. I want only what You want! So, I ask You now for what You know are the best things for my service to You as well as for my personal needs. In Your all supplying Name I pray. Amen!!!
My eldest son has a trade, and so did Paul. Paul’s was making tents to support his missions ministry, so my son is as a professional photographer through which he tries his best to earn money for personal expenses without taking a salary from any organization. I think that our 100 Words photographer, David Reynold Mainse, should be able to give 100% of his time to the mission of World Embrace by having a salary. What do you think? He and his wife Kathy live in Uganda full time. Please pray for them and support them as you are led (click here for info about their ministry – receipts for tax deductions are available in Canada and in the USA).
Philippi became a ghost town because they experienced earthquake after earthquake. It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Take a look back at the pictures from the past three days, and “listen” to the pictures communicate. I’ve done that and I’m filled with the message that this earth is not a stable, solid foundation for my life! Only my faith in Christ provides a firm, unmovable foundation on which I can build my entire life.
Yours for reading and listening… And moving on tomorrow to a man who did just that, “EZRA,”
P.S. Twice yesterday I mislaid my cane. Jadice, Ron and Ann’s 4-year-old granddaughter, specializes in keeping track of my cane. I can hear her in my imagination now, “Great-Grand’pa, here’s your cane!” (picture below). This happened many times last year [2016] when Norma-Jean and I lived with Ron and Ann and Jadice was visiting from Indiana. I called out for her today, got emotional, but of course had to find my cane myself! Thanks again to Ron and Ann for making this blog possible.

The Via Egnatia was built beginning in 145 BC . This route was Rome’s primary artery to the east and Philippi was an important outpost along the road. The Egnatian Way made it easier for Rome to move troops throughout the empire and it was the route that Paul traveled on from Neapolis to Philippi, Amphipolis, Apollonia and Thessalonica.
Please help us, Lord, to be doers of Your Word. Thank You for all You have done and continue to do for us. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen,Rob…and please help us Father to have the patience to wait on You to make it plain to us when and where we should act.Waiting can also lead us astray when we forget to trust you and follow our imaginations.Thank you Father God.In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.AMEN
Amen to the prayers above.
I prayed David’s Prayer for Today, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May God bless everyone who reads this blog, Amen.
An amazing ministry nine Uganda. I read that 84 percent of people there are Christian. The park looks like a Wonderful place for the children. Blessings all. Please pray for Christine, a Native lady, who moved from Ontario to Quebec, to be available for her relatives on the reserve just north of Quebec. She’s quite lonely as she doesn’t speak French and her birthplace reserve language is not available where she is. She’s a widow now and hopes to take French language studies. As I mentioned, it’s very lonely for her at this point. She knows the Lord. Thanks.
Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven” (Matthew 18:19). AMEN!!!
Praying for Christine.
Thanks Lynda. Blessings
Lord, I pray for Christine, I pray that You would send her a friend, someone who she can talk with and feel a oneness with!
Thank You Lord that You are the greatest friend of all.
Thank you Anne.