Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 30
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Arch of Titus in Rome was constructed in 82 AD by the Roman Emperor Domitian shortly after the death of his older brother Titus to commemorate Titus’ victory in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Arch of Titus has provided the general model for many of the triumphal arches erected since the 16th century, including the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 30:26
So there was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the time of Solomon, son of David, King of Israel, there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem.
Today’s reading is such an encouragement. The sequence of events that resulted in the “joy in Jerusalem” is as follows. (1) Letters were sent to both the northern tribes of Israel and the southern tribes of Judah. They were carried by “runners” who functioned like the town criers who brought the news before newspapers, radio, TV, and the Internet. In New Testament times these newscasters were called evangelists. So those who took the Gospel everywhere and announced the news of Christ were called Evangelists. (2) These “runners” refused to be discouraged in spite of the fact that in some places “they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.” (3) “Many people, a very great congregation, assembled at Jerusalem.” (4) In spite of the compromise with the world, which was very evident in the culture, a powerful remnant of faithful people remained true to the Word of God and followed the lead of the man of God, King Hezekiah. (5) Hezekiah prayed for the people that, in spite of the fact that some people were ignorant of the proper preparation for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur in the present Jewish calendar), the Lord would provide atonement for everyone. This atonement is ours today through the passover sacrifice of Jesus as the final Sacrifice as the Lamb of God.
Lord God, please make me a more effective runner with the Good News of the message of Jesus’ passover feast in Jerusalem. As was the case with Hezekiah, I pray that everyone (the whole world for whom Jesus offered His life as the final Sacrifice for atonement) will hear the message and come to know Him as Saviour and Lord. I pray for Crossroads Family of Ministries. May every team member burn with a holy unquenchable flame to bring people to Jesus. May winning souls to Jesus continue to be the #1 priority. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen and Amen!!!
The greatest example of a true Evangelist to masses of people in our time is Billy Graham. The greatest motivator for personal evangelism in our time is the late Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. In Billy Graham’s appearances on the 100 Huntley Street telecasts, without fail, he turned to the camera and gave an invitation for people to come to Christ. Bill Bright did the same in his appearances with me on television. I took Bill Bright to lunch several times and without fail he witnessed for Christ to the waiter or waitress serving us. I made sure to leave a larger than usual tip in order to underline the love with which Bill spoke of Jesus.
I can never be content to maintain the status quo in ministry. If TV programs, camping ministries, World Expos, etc., in which Crossroads has been involved were not winning souls to Christ, I would become more and more desperate in the fervency of my prayers until I would see results in more people coming to Christ. I pray with all my heart that Crossroads Christian Communications will continue to produce soul-winning telecasts and that the leadership will continue to be filled with a passion for souls until the moment of Christ’s return.
Yours for running with the Good News throughout the world via the TV and internet (check out,
Crossroads has been an amazing ministry over the years. I also join David in praying for continued anointing and clear message to today’s and future generations. Amen and amen.
Doreen, I agree with you in prayer that everyone
would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal
Saviour and friend, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May the Lord’s Will be done throughout the world,
Amen and amen
Thank you Lord for the ministry of crossroads
For this ministry definitely has a heart for the world🙏✝️