Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 24
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The hill of Golgotha, next to The Garden Tomb. The Cross of Christ and the empty tomb are the solid bedrock of our faith! (John 19:41; Matthew 27:59-60). The north face of a Mt. Moriah quarry has the appearance of a skull, if one uses his or her imagination. The stones used in the Temple construction probably came from this quarry.
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 24:2
Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest.
Yes, as long as Joash had the powerful influence of Jehoiada, he did well, but when Jehoiada was gone, he was like a ship without an anchor. He moved with the next wind that blew. The new influences moved him away from God to introduce idolatry back into Judah.
What more could Jehoiada have done to cause King Joash to be unmovable in his faith and service to the true God? Perhaps Jehoiada kept control for too long. After all, he had ruled as regent while Joash was still a child. Let us who are in the older generation be sensitive to the next generation. In wisdom, let us know when to back off our authority, using our influence wisely, so that those who follow us will become strong in their own relationship with God.
Jesus said that the wise man built his house on a rock (Matthew 7:24-27). It seems that Joash had built upon shifting sand.
Lord God, I need to understand in a greater way that You, and You alone, are my solid Rock! By Your grace I pray that I will build my life on You, not being moved off my foundation by the floods of the current opinions of those who would push me away from You. Also, please let me know how and when to use my influence, so that those who follow after me will not be so dependent upon me that they will not be strong in You themselves. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!!!
Today is “Independence Day” in the United States. The time came when the leaders of 13 of the colonies of the United Kingdom had to stand on their own, not being ruled by King George III and the government across the Atlantic. The Americans had a faith in the God of their fathers and honoured Him in strong statements of their faith, which are found in the documents of the new republic. It was obviously important for these colonies to take a stand. The result is there for all to see. Happy 4th of July to my American blog readers. There is a book I’ve read more than once called, “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall Jr. and David Manuel. To any who want to know the true history of the United States before the historical revisionists wrote their books, this is the one! (click here for information on getting this excellent book).
In 1982, Crossroads produced video segments honouring the United States and highlighting their Christian roots (click here for a sample of our efforts).
Yours for a strong Rock-solid foundation on which to build our lives and our countries,
Thank You, Lord God, for Godly leaders. Bless and strengthen them, and give them Your wisdom to lead. Have Your way in this world, we ask in the mighty name of Jesus, amen
Amen Rob. I pray for our government and God’s direction for our country as well. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for The Ukraine in such a difficult time. May God help and protect these precious people. Amen.
Amen, joining with everyone in prayer, for our leaders in Canada and in the US, and for leaders worldwide, Lord, may they cry out to You, and honour and worship You!
Amen and also pray for the USA as they are struggling to fight against sin and corruption
Praying fir strong biblical leaders to found in all countries
Is there any word on Nathan continuing to pray for him and his family
I requested prayer for a young man fighting cancer that was enroute to hospital. They sent him to his local hospital to be made comfortable. Please pray for a miracle for healing and strength. Human doctors give in but praying the Lord will take over his treatment and cure him. Chase Satan out and his cancer with him. Praying for complete healing
I see the most recent postings on line are from June 13, 2023 for Nathan. Father, in Jesus Name, please lead searchers to the place where Nathan is. Comfort and protect him. Comfort family as well. Be also with the man taken to hospital for treatment of cancer. May he call out to You and come to know You in a great way. Please give the medical staff wisdom and good care skills at this time. Amen
Amen to the comments above 🙏✝️
Happy birthday United States of America
Happy 4th of July
Today America is 247 years old 🇺🇸