Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 10-11
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Around 1100 BC, the Canaanite city, Beit She’an, was conquered by the Philistines, who used it as a base of operations for further penetrations into Israel. During a battle against King Saul’s army at nearby Mount Gilboa in 1004 BC, the Philistines prevailed. 1 Samuel 31 states that the victorious Philistines hung the body of King Saul on the walls of Beit She’an. Portions of these walls were excavated on Tel Beit She’an recently. King David was able to capture Beit She’an in a series of brilliant military campaigns that expelled the Philistines from the area, pushing them back to their coastal strongholds of Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, and Ashdod.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 10:4b, 13-14
Saul took a sword and fell on it…So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. But he did not inquire of the Lord.
Suicide! What a tragic end of life for a man called of God to serve as King over Israel. Through his own choices this once humble and faithful man reduced himself to a defeated, moody, unhappy shell of his former person. The warning must be sounded! For anyone who gives his or her life to God, God-informed and Scripture-based choices must be made and followed. There should be absolutely no consultation with any form of the occult or persons who, under the guise of spiritual gifts, would seek to take the place of direct guidance from God and the Word of God. Emotional stress and mental anguish will result. With Saul, his bad temper had taken control, as evidenced by his jealousy of David. The prelude to Saul’s death, and that of his sons, was that he had forgotten the key rule of battle…keeping in close touch with the Commander of the Lord’s hosts, as Joshua did.
Every person who makes a decision to serve Jesus must consult Him daily. Jesus, Himself, gave us the example of consulting His Father in prayer early every morning. Failure to keep in close touch will result in poor decisions, and we will flounder as Saul did. Let us all take everything of any importance to Jesus in prayer. He will guide and we will follow!
“What would Jesus do?” Lord Jesus, I want to be like Peter, James and John, the three who, because of their fervency of spirit, were closest to You. Like these three, may I always keep the eyes of my spirit focused on You, so that I won’t miss anything You are doing and want me to do. I pray that I won’t struggle with this challenge, but rest in Your nearness. If there is any gap between us, Lord, help me to close that gap right now! In Your Name I pray, Amen!!!
The first Governor General of Canada I met was the Rt. Hon. Jeanne Sauve. In her former role as Minister of Communications back in the 1970s, the host of our Circle Square children’s telecast, Glen Rutledge, presented her with a large study brief which we had prepared on violence in children’s TV and its detrimental impact on children’s lives. This document was the direct result of guidance I know we had received from the Lord. Madame Sauve was dying with cancer the last time I met her. We had time alone together before going out on the stage of the Convocation Hall at the University of Toronto. I remember approximately her words to me. She wept freely at her memory, “I could never dispose of that study brief. It has remained on my shelf near me ever since I received it from your children’s host about 15 years ago. I knew that as Minister of Communications at the time, I should be able to do something. However, the will of the broadcasters and society in general was not there to enable me to take action. I’m so sorry.” A political leader in a democracy is unable to act without the support of the majority of those involved as stakeholders in the cause. My heart was heavy and I did my best to pray with her and comfort this precious person. She bravely went on stage and represented Canada with strength and dignity. She passed away several months later, and I wept over the loss.
Yours for guidance from God and for showing up when we need to exercise our rights as citizens to influence the course of our various countries. We pray every time we sing our national anthem here in Canada, “God Keep Our Land,”
Father, thank You for all Your mighty followers. Strengthen each one in You, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob. Even today, I also am concerned about children’s television. So much “adult content” television is showing up in prime time. The written statement at the beginning of the program stating that it has violence and/or sexual content, seems to make a way for such programming to be legal. Lord please keep our children safe and close to You. Madam Suave was right to be concerned. Blessings all.
Amen Rob & Doreen, joining you in prayer for courage and insight and wisdom for our leaders who desire to honour and follow God’s law.
May we all have courage and strength to follow Jesus.
I am praying for our children as well, for protection and for God’s love and guidance to fill their hearts and lives.
Anne, I agree with you in prayer.
May we always ask Jesus Christ for
guidance when making any big decisions. He will surely make a way.
I prayed David’s Prayer for Today,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.
Thank You Lord God for answering
our prayers according to your perfect
Will, Amen.
Amen to the thoughts comments and prayers above