Today’s Reading: Ephesians 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Missionary to Turkey Mike Martin is pictured here amidst the ruins of ancient Ephesus (Present-day Selcuk, Turkey). This area is one large museum, perhaps the most spectacular ruins in Turkey. The Apostle Paul walked these streets witnessing for Christ, stopping from time to time to lift his voice and preach the Good News of eternal salvation in Christ. One of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World was here, “The Temple of Diana.” The area pictured above is not open to tourists, but my photographer son, David Reynold, was able to enter to photograph for this blog.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Ephesians 1:17
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.”
Thirteen times in today’s reading we find, “in Christ,” “in Him,” in Himself,” “in Whom,” “in the Lord Jesus,” repeated again and again. It’s plain to see that Paul has an absolutely clear message he fervently desires to communicate! In fact, the phrase “in Christ” or its equivalent appears 35 times throughout this letter to the believers in Ephesus, and the Holy Spirit intended these words for the whole Church in every place and throughout all time. Therefore, we should pay close attention to every word.
What do we have “IN CHRIST?” “Heavenly places,” “He chose us,” “Redemption and forgiveness,” “purpose,” “all things,” “an inheritance,” “the praise of His glory,” “trust,” “the Holy Spirit of promise,” “the guarantee,” “wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,” and “His mighty power”…and that’s just in the first chapter! This is mind boggling! We need to spend time meditating on these facts. If we are not overwhelmed, we need to check our pulses to make sure we are still alive!
Lord Jesus, I want to personalize the prayer found in the key verse: Dear God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Your Person. Amen! Amen!
I have had the privilege of visiting the spectacular ruins of Ephesus several times. I’m so impressed with the evidence of stately public buildings which once served the people. Of course, the houses in which the people lived around the centre and in the suburbs are not to be found. I have just read the story of Paul’s ministry in Ephesus again from the book of Acts. When I have stood in the great Ephesian amphitheatre, I can almost imagine the loud declaration of the crowd inside who were shouting in defence of their goddess, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians.” Paul and his team of witnessing Christians caused a riot (read Acts 18:24-28 and Acts 19:1-41 and check out the picture below for the theatre where the uproar happened).
I didn’t cause a riot back in 1964, but most certainly consternation, when one Sunday evening I refused to preach my Salvation message in the pulpit of the church in Sudbury, Ontario, where I was the new Pastor. I checked the congregation out by upraised hands, and everyone present had the assurance of their eternal salvation. I then asked one of the deacons to take over the service and I proceeded out the door, down the alley for one block, to the sidewalk outside the Mine Mill Union Hall, where a dance was in progress. People were milling around outside the hall. I raised my voice and began to preach on how to have assurance of Heaven. I even noticed the Union President, Weir Reid, open his window across the street in order to listen. He was called “Canada’s last angry socialist” by the Toronto Star. Mr. Reid called me following this and offered, at no cost to the church, the use of their camp facilities for a week each Summer for a Christian camp. This was the initial seed for the Circle Square ranches, which continue to this day. I would not have been surprised if the congregation had convened a business meeting and dismissed their Pastor, me. I’d been there about three weeks. As it happened, I continued to serve there for almost five more years, and I don’t believe we ever had another Sunday evening service where someone in the congregation did not bring out a friend who did not yet know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Every service found one, two or more at the altar giving their lives to Christ. The congregation, since that time on the street, has planted new congregations and built two new church buildings in order to hold the people and to serve the community.
Forgive me for going on far beyond my goal of 100 words.
Yours for the knowledge of the truth that we are “IN CHRIST,”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Father, have Your way in all this world today. I ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
I agree with David that we should feel overwhelmed as we read all that we have inherited, as God’s children, co-heirs with Christ.
I read from the NLT version and would encourage every blogger to read today’s passage out loud. Be sure to read slowly and “ponder” all the spiritual blessings that God has lavished on us. Paul states the He loved us and chose us to be His own, BEFORE He created the world! ( vs 4). His, is a love beyond our comprehension! How can we ever thank Him adequately?
Let’s start by doing our best to obey Him, in every circumstance.
Agreeing with you, Louisa. It is mind boggling. I pray for Wisdom and Revelation. Amen
I am in agreement with prayers and comments above.
Praying a special prayer for the election in Alberta. In the name of Jesus, be with the voters as they go to the polls and guide them to the right choice for their leaders and representatives, that they will lead people to make laws, to protect Biblical rights for their citizens and cast out evil laws. Our country is so full of evil-doers, please let this Alberta election start a wave of Godliness in our country’s politics
Amen Laur, agreeing with you in prayer for the Elections. Alberta
Amen to every prayer above.
I prayed David’s Prayer for Today, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Amen to the comments and prayers above

I’m starting to sound like a broken record but I just checked the news and there’s no no sign of Nathan yet
So please continue to pray for Nathan that he may be found safe and sound and that we will hear words soon because I believe this is day number 18 also thank you God because you know where he is
Also praying for the election in Alberta and also for the fires that are still burning in Alberta