Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 14
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In the Armenian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, there is a church with this door built inside an ancient gate. Note the heavy bolts on the left. Security has always been important. King David knew that his security came from God, yet there is no record that he prayed about his decisions concerning Absalom. When big trouble comes (tomorrow’s reading), David turns to God in prayer. Why bolt the door when the enemy is already inside?
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 14:14
For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.
Lord Jesus, Your Apostle Paul tells me that if I judge myself, I will not be judged. I can read that in 1 Corinthians 11:31. In that chapter the “Lord’s Supper” is presented. When I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine, I seek to review my conduct and judge myself. You show me areas of my life where I need to repent. I pray for ongoing grace to live in that attitude of repentance. In Your strong Name I pray, Amen!
I very much encourage every blog reader to come along side the Crossroads Family of Ministries. In my opinion, the flagship telecast, 100 Huntley Street, is the most effective television anywhere when it comes to confronting the culture, particularly now. Please respond with your best ministry gift, and if possible, monthly support (click HERE to donate). If you are already on board with Crossroads/100 Huntley Street/Context/etc., thank you so much! Your prayers and support, with God’s love and power, makes it all possible.
Yours for learning to judge ourselves,
Father, have mercy on us and on this nation. Help us turn from our evil and truly live in ways that show that You are King, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen !
Amen, Rob. Great poem William. Blessings all (a beautiful day in S Ontario). Please pray for Jay, a young man who is very I’ll. His mom has had to take time off work to be with him. Nothing is impossible with God. Thank You Lord. Amen
Doreen and am praying for Jay.
Dear Jesus I am asking you to heal this young man in your precious name. You know his whole situation, help the family make wise decisions as to what to do next. In the end you are in complete control, may your will be done . Amen and Amen 🙏
Amen Rob.
We need revival in this world,not just in one ‘church’.
The King’s Task
Set fire to my soul,oh Lord,
Make me burn with truth and love,
So our honour can be restored,
With wisdom from Your throne above .
Oh Master,you lifted me up high
From the depths of hell’s pit,
To complete me and quell my cry,
But there’s no debt I can remit.
You have shared with me your strength
And buoyed my heart from grief,
So I can go with you to any length
To give your words of truth’s relief.
Sorrow has no power over your word,
But when Satan’s lies are believed,
Faith is robbed by what’s inferred,
So your light now must be retrieved.
Because of shadows over this land,
I ask you now to let me speak,
In words you place in my hand,
That shows your might beside the meek.
I seek humility to keep me strong,
So give me that is all I can ask,
Then I will seek within the throng,
With this beggar doing the King’s task.
G W (Bill) Marshall /January 08, 2013
Amen William.
Amen to the prayers and poem above.
May our Heavenly Father hear our prayers and guide us
according to His Perfect Will, in Jesus’ Almighty Name, Amen.
To God be the Glory and Praise forever, Amen.