Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 11-12
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The Tomb of Samuel is located atop a steep hill at an elevation of 908 metres above sea level. It is situated to the north of the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ramot. The tomb is in an underground chamber where a small synagogue is located.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 12:23-24
Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way. Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.
Israel now has a king. Samuel is still very much present as the spiritual leader of the people. Prayer “without ceasing” is the most important leadership quality if we want God’s will to be done. David will be king over the united tribes in about 10 years. A Psalm of David indicates his daily preparation to lead as he writes, “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up” (Psalm 5:3). Psalm 55:17 tells us that David prayed at “evening, morning and at noon.” There is no record of Saul praying like Samuel and David did. Saul’s reign could’ve been so different.
As a New Testament meditation, let us consider 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18: “Pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks.” This praying continuously is not as difficult as it sounds. It’s based on the knowledge that I am in Christ and He is in me. We are never apart. Therefore, we are to be ever aware of His Presence.
Lord Jesus, Your servant Paul wrote, “We do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26b). I pray that my Spirit will constantly pray within me when my conscious mind is occupied in other necessary matters. I believe this happens continuously as Your promise states. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
Finding the will of God through much prayer and being confident that the right decisions are being made has been my biggest challenge. In several World Expos with our Crossroads’ sponsored “Pavilions of Promise” we had to employ what is called “artistic license” in communicating the message on such a world stage. For example, we had male and female ballet dancers play the part of Adam and Eve in Theatre One. I could give other examples from our production that upset some people, but I was convinced that God was pleased. The entertainment values guaranteed that millions of precious souls heard the Gospel in a way they could understand for the first time. In the overall effort at four Expos, we recorded over 100,000 first-time decisions for Christ, with their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. They signed up for a Bible correspondence course and were followed up in their home countries with diligence. One evangelist was very judgmental toward me. He could not find it in his heart to celebrate with me the fact of thousands of people coming to know Christ. It has been my experience that Christians who are successful personal soul winners (not only pulpit evangelists) understand the creative Holy Spirit-inspired variety that it takes to lead people into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Yours for being personal soul winners,
Praying for world peace and an end to war that all will be safe and bloodshed will be no more.
So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 ESV
Blessed Assurance – Bishop Jeff Banks and the Revival Temple Mass Choir
Amen Beverlee. Blessings on you and all today. We sure need to pray without ceasing in these difficult days.
Saul’s reign started out with such promise, as David writes today “it could have been so differant”
Reading today about David & team employing “artistic licence” I thought David was a man ahead of his time.
How wonderful that they recorded over 100,000 first time decisions to follow Jesus!
🎶 🎼 Hallelujah!