Today’s Reading: Joshua 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the area of the Jordan River, near Jericho, where the Children of Israel crossed into the Promised Land. It is also the approximate location on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. Visitors have the opportunity to follow the experience of Jesus in these waters.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 6:27
So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.
Joshua’s dramatic encounter with “the Angel of the Lord” (5:13-15 & 6:1-5) must have been a powerful confirmation to him that God’s call on his life was as definite as that of Moses. Also, the specific instructions for the defeat of Jericho gave Joshua great confidence in moving forward. This was no ordinary angel. This was the Lord Himself as evidenced by Joshua’s worship. The Gospels record that Jesus received worship. At the visit of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12), through to eternity (Revelation 5:1-14), Jesus is worshipped. None of the great prophets and apostles ever received worship. In Lystra (Acts 14:11-18), people tried to worship Paul and Barnabus who were horrified at the thought of being worshipped. Let us worship the Lord alone. He is worthy! Let us join now the hosts of Heaven in worshipping Him. Here is a choir singing “Holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8-11). Let us join with them in worship (click here).
Lord Jesus, You are my commanding Officer. Give me grace and willing obedience as You did for Joshua. I worship You! You alone are worthy! Hallelujah! Glory to Your Name forever and ever! Amen and Amen!
Throughout the years, as one who seeks to follow Jesus and to listen for His instructions, I’ve been blessed with His guidance. This daily, two-year journey through the Bible is an example of my willingness to obey what I believe He tells me to do. When God asked the people to march around the walls once a day, and then seven times the last day, it must’ve seemed foolish and tedious to some people. It may have been a mile or more around the walls. Some would’ve wanted to give up, I’m sure. Nevertheless, they persevered. The archaeological digs around Jericho seem to indicate that the walls did not simply fall over but that some sections imploded into the ground. The Lord works with an infinite variety of methods. I think I’ve learned to expect the unexpected!
Yours for obeying God’s clear instructions for today,
P.S. I enjoy reading the comments of my friends. Keep them coming! And thank you to everyone who joins me! To post a comment or read comments from others, click on the “Comments” bubble at the top of
Good morning Saints and the Maine’s family who continue to keep this blog going. Thank you Lord for this daily bread, thank you for the comments, links, prayer requests and prayer through this platform, truly a blessing to me each day. I’ve discovered a wonderful Chrtian program on Daystar tv, you can google Talk, and find all of the episodes there for the watching. This is a Canadian father (minister), son, seeking to reveal what has been sensored on mainstream media. Have a wonderful day in our Lord!
Thak You, Father, for the strength You give. Bless all Your people today and help each one do the things You give them to do. Fill out hearts with gratitude for all the good things and people in our lives, and with reverence for You, the Lord of all. In Jesus’s name, amen
And, from Michael Youssef’s Leading the Way devotional for today:
A Wonderful worship opportunity – the “Holy Holy Holy” reference has many more great worship songs. I will check out “Talk Truth” as well. I would appreciate prayers today – not feeling well. Thanks. Blessings.
Dear Lord God, please fill us daily with the power of Your Holy Spirit that we may have wisdom and discernment to know what to say to people who do not yet understand the eternal truth of Your Word. Fill us with Your unconditional love for them, that they may come to know You. We pray in the name of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
CBN quote.
Said a prayer 🙏 for your well-being Doreen. Where two or more…
Like Lynda, I, too, join in praying for your well-being, healing and strengthening.
Your wisdom, stories and prayers always inspire us all!
Will also check- out Sandra’s suggestion. Thank you for that, Sandra.
Rob, I super enjoy M. Youssef’s site.