Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 21-22
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Two men, along with many others, present their prayers at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. This is the retaining wall for the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus would have worshipped in the Temple courtyard just above and to the east. This is the closest Jews today can come to the actual Temple site. This is the reason the Wailing Wall is another name for this Herodian structure. Orthodox Jews consider themselves to be in mourning ever since the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 22:4
You shall not see your brother’s donkey or his ox fall down along the road, and hide yourself from them; you shall surely help him lift them up again.
When accused by religious Jews of breaking the laws of the Sabbath by healing a man, Jesus referenced our key verse and exposed their double standard by reminding them that they would indeed pull their animal out of the ditch on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6). If we want to discover what Jesus thought of the efforts to keep all the Mosaic laws, read the entire 23rd chapter of Matthew (click here). We might also consider Deuteronomy 21:22b & 23b where our reading points us forward to the One who hung on a tree. It may be valuable for us to read Galatians 3:10-14. Jesus was executed in the worst possible way. Not only did He endure the tortures of the Cross, He also carried the stigma of being “accursed.” The people observing knew well that anyone hanged on a tree is accursed of God. Jesus took on Himself the curse imposed on the human race because of the sin of our first parents. By faith, and because of Jesus, we are not cursed; we are truly blessed.
Lord God, as I’ve just read from Matthew 23 and Galatians 3, I realize more than ever how blessed I am. Please help me to never take Your blessings for granted, presuming on Your grace by doing those things which I know have resulted from the “curse.” You forgive my sins and You also give me the grace to stop sinning. Thank You, Jesus! Amen!
An old friend and mentor, the late Rev. J. H. Blair, walked the final steps with the last man hanged for murder in the Barton Street Jail in Hamilton, Ontario. In 1953, Harry Lee was hanged for the crime of first-degree murder. Pastor Blair told me that this man repented before God for all of his sins while maintaining that he was innocent of murder right to the end. I believe I will see Harry Lee in Heaven. The Scripture says that “Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” I am on a one-way street to eternity. There are no U-turns. Over 1,000 people call the Crossroads/100 Huntley Street prayer lines every day. Many calls are about getting right with God. Kind, loving, non-judgmental people are waiting for those calls. The toll-free number is 1-866-273-4444.
Yours for knowing the salvation for which Jesus hung on a tree,
Thank You Jesus for taking on my sins so that I can be with You in eternity. Thank You. It would be so difficult, I believe, to keep many of the laws listed in today’s reading. Blessings all today. Praying that all our bloggers have electricity after the blizzard of the century. Looking forward to spring!!!
Thanks Doreen. I agree with what you posted, God’s blessings be on you and all who read this blog Amen.
Agreeing with Doreen and Eleanor. Amen. 🙏
Thank You Jesus. Amen! 🙏 Continued prayers for the precious people of Ukraine and an end to the war carelessly imposed upon them; for those suffering from illness and pain; for those feeling the loss of loved ones; for everyone here needing prayer. May the weight be lifted from your shoulders and the Light of Christ shine brightly upon you. For this we pray. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. 🙏
And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11 ESV
Jesus We Love You (Official Lyric Video) –
Paul McClure | We Will Not Be Shaken
Beautiful Song . Thx U
Amen to prayer
Missing William and his poems. Praying that he is doing well. May God’s great touch be upon him, strengthening him, in Jesus Name. Amen
🙏🏽Amen to ALL prayers