Today’s Reading: Numbers 16
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A photo looking inland from the southern shore of the Dead Sea, 1,300 feet below sea level, the lowest place on earth. The Rift Valley starts in Syria and continues into Africa. As in our reading today, the earth opened up here at some ancient time.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Numbers 16:9a, 10
Is it a small thing to you…that He has brought you near to Himself, you and all your brethren, the sons of Levi, with you? And are you seeking the priesthood also?
Twice in our reading, Moses fell on his face before God (verses 4 & 45) in intercession for the people. He was desperate for God’s mercy upon the rebellious people. The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history. First, the judgment of God came upon those who coveted the positions of Moses and Aaron, and then by a plague that took the lives of 14,700 people. Earlier we read about the carefully crafted laws for the health of the people, and we don’t know what disease hit them. Perhaps, if those who rejected Moses’ leadership had left quietly, the tragedies could’ve been avoided. Judgment can be averted by genuine repentance.
Dear Lord, please help me to be loyal to the leaders You have chosen, and if I cannot support them, may I have the grace to leave quietly so as not to damage Your work in any way. I repent for my failure to recognize from time to time Your appointments to positions of leadership authority. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
I’ve been learning about leadership this week in the life of Moses. We read earlier this week from Numbers 11 where God gave Moses 70 elders to stand with him and advise him. Regardless of our opinions on President Trump in the USA…or Prime Minister Trudeau in Canada, we are instructed in Scripture to pray for all leaders. Politics is not an easy calling and it can be extremely divisive. Let’s make it a point to pray for those in authority over us…that God would lead them in righteous decisions (see 1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Yours for recognition and support of leaders God has allowed to be in positions of authority,
You, Lord God, are the faithful one. Thank You for that. Please clean us of all our sin, and help us follow You. Give our leaders wisdom in the decisions they make, Lord, and may Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven, in Jesus’s name, amen
May we be consistent in praying for our leaders, as You Lord have instructed us to do.
May You give us godly leaders who are more concerned in doing Your will and pleasing you than pleasing the people.
Moses showed such grace. He didn’t retaliate against those who were against him. He interceded for them. May we do the same .
Praying everyone has a blessed day!
Praying for your request, HJR
I was surprised that David’s link to 1 Timothy was the NLT version. I believe he usually quotes from the NKJV. Anyway, it’s good to read both for understanding. Serious business. Father, in Jesus Name, please give us leaders of Your choosing and guide them, protect them. Draw them to Yourself and give them favour. In Jesus Name. Amen