Today’s Reading: Numbers 7
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Sheep grazing on the hillside by the Sea of Galilee. The Children of Israel brought all their sheep and other livestock with them from Egypt into their wilderness journey.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Numbers 7:1-3
Now it came to pass, when Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle, that he anointed it and consecrated it and all its furnishings, and the altar and all its utensils; so he anointed them and consecrated them. Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses, who were the leaders of the tribes and over those who were numbered, made an offering. And they brought their offering before the Lord, six covered carts and twelve oxen, a cart for every two of the leaders, and for each one an ox; and they presented them before the tabernacle.
Today’s reading may make us wonder as to why it’s here. It is so repetitive. The gifts which the leaders of the tribes present to God at the dedication of the Tabernacle are listed 12 times over. Could a reason be to show generosity? Could another reason be to teach the children what it means to take responsibility as the heads of households? God instructs parents to show leadership, teaching, not only in word, but by example. If we, as parents, are givers, chances are that our children will also be givers.
Dear Lord Jesus, You are the greatest Giver, and according to Your Word, You live in and through me. Please grant me the grace to channel Your Spirit of giving through me. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
I believe that the most grievous evil in God’s sight is the slaughter of the precious little lives still in the womb. We have a granddaughter who entered Brisbane Australia as newborn when her parents were employed at our Expo ’88 Pavilion there. She came 13 weeks early. Today she has a heart for young girls and has developed an amazing curriculum for 11-13 year-old girls. Every life matters! (click here for Rachelle’s ministry, Princess 911). In Canada and the USA, a little body like hers (at the time of her birth) can be ripped apart in the womb by cruel instruments of death and even crueler people. The main question for us is, “Who will be most committed to protecting these amazing new lives?”
Yours for the great joy of living,
This message is for William. Thank you for prayers. However, I have to have an EMG test December 5th before surgery is booked as I have previously mentioned. Then once surgery is booked it will take 4 to 6 months before a surgery date comes up. If a cancellation spot opens, it would be sooner. Wishing all a blessed day.
I teceived in 2018 healing of my heart spoken by a Godly man a prophet. Donotknow what healing was performed. But I pass on to you healing of all areas of your heart circulatory areas. In Jrsus name amen.
Thank you Dale. It is spinal fusion surgery with rod insertion. EMG is to assess the pinched nerve roots. But prayer for my heart is greatly appreciated. It becomes hardened sometimes from pain. God bless you and keep you, Dale. 🙏✝️
Praying for you Dear Beverlee. God knows you heart and He knows you love him. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you🙏.🤗🙏
Thank you dear Eleanor! 🤗❤️✝️
Praying for you Beverlee. I got a good report yesterday. Dr thought I had Parkinson’s – have some similar symptoms. Specialist said “no”
Praise God. Asking the Lord, in Jesus Name, to release healing mightily to you, through His choice of method. Amen.
Praise God you do not have Parkinsons Doreen. I pray your Dr’s will discover what it really is. Thank you for your healing prayers.🤗🙏
Thank you,Beverlee.I don’t always read the comments.I am late getting on here today.I will pray for good results from your EMG test.It took time to find my back problem was mostly the Facet joints.I will continue to pray for guidance for the specialists involved in correcting your problem.Hang in there and trust the ultimate Healer.God bless
Thank you William. Praying you are in better health. 🙏✝️
Lord God, thank You for another day of Life. Lead and guide us today, and help us to do and say things that honour and please You. I ask for Your help with this, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen,Rob and Doreen.
The reading today was mind boggling! I’m trying to imagine what they would do with all the plates & bowls, etc. Thank You Jesus for being our requirement once and for all for those who will sincerely ask You for forgiveness, and invite You to live in their hearts. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Amen
Amen Doreen! ❤️✝️
Amen Doreen 🙏✝️
Praying for you Nan and your husband–for your comfort, health, rest and peace in Florida. Today was the first colder day here and I have put on a big pot of lentil soup. But the weather forecast said it will warm up again tomorrow. It has been a lovely warm fall thus far. Enjoy your time there. ❤️✝️
PEI was the last hold out to legalize abortion in Canada.Some friends in PEI were amongst the protesters against legalizing this cruel form of murder.I wrote this for them:
WHY Mommy?
Why did you kill me mommy?
Why do you seek to be defiled?
Why was I killed inside your tummy?
Why could I not be your child?
Why do you call sex ‘making love’?
Why is that lie portrayed to be true?
Why do you hate gifts from above?
Why do you freely do what you do?
Why is sex like shaking hands?
Why can’t you control your lust?
Why do devils from foreign lands
Give us laws while stealing our trust?
G W (Bill) Marshall / 31 July, 2014
Abortionists from the US came to help
PEI abortionists change the law and
legalize the murder of unborn children
instead of teaching women not to use
their bodies as amusements parks.
No copyright intended
Not all women who become pregnant and have abortions use their bodies as amusement parks, William. That is a terrible assumption of judgement to make and quite an insult to women especially those who are raped or are victims of incest, sex trafficking, or who must abort due to maternal morbidity. Women need not be ashamed of having had an abortion because of judgement from others who do not know their circumstance. God forgives when women reconcile with Him. A woman’s loss of a child to abortion is a terrible sadness she must carry with her in never having come to know her child. There is always so much more to the story. God does not want women to have abortions. That is very clear. However, to blame and shame and judge a woman is just as terrible.
It should begin with “Pro abortionists from the US …”