Today’s Reading: Leviticus 17-18
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An Ibex on the run in Ein Gedi, Israel. First Samuel 1:1-2 tells us of David hiding from King Saul here at Ein Gedi, the place of “the rocks of the wild goats.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 18:5
You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the Lord.
The words “I am the Lord” appear 18 times in today’s and tomorrow’s readings. God is establishing His infinitely high moral standards in the minds of a people who have just come out from Egypt, where they practised the abominations mentioned here. Let me point out again that persons were not called “abominable”…their acts were. There is nothing new here. The very things that today corrupt society and destroy people and families are described in Moses’ writings. In our key verse, just before a long list of immoral acts, God promises, once again, that just as sin leads to death, obedience leads to life. It’s clear that God hates sexual sin, and it is also clear that He has made provision for the forgiveness of all sin. The words “cut off” could be understood, for example, as the imprisonment of a convicted pedophile. The sacrifices we read so much about were pictures of the final and complete Sacrifice for sin offered by our Lord Jesus.
Lord God, give me a loathing for sin and, at the same time, an intense practical love for the sinner. That includes my sin and myself. As the man of whom Jesus spoke prayed, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner,” and was made righteous before You, so I pray this prayer often. Thank You for this prayer that You guarantee, from the mouth of Jesus, will restore and maintain my relationship with You, O Holy God. Amen!
Those words, “I am the Lord,” remind me of standing beside the Sea of Galilee with my Middle-Eastern son-in-law. He told me of the significance of the 153 fish the disciples caught in John 21:11. His first language is Arabic, his second is Hebrew, and his third is English. He explained how in Hebrew, each letter has a numerical value, and “Ana Elohim” (“I am the Lord”) comes to 100, 50, and 3. Peter and the other disciples, who would have attended synagogue schools, knew exactly what the risen Christ was communicating. My son-in-law is an ordained minister in the Nazareth Baptist Church, and I’ve checked this out with Hebrew scholars. We’ll be moving to the Gospel of John in nine days. Don’t get discouraged in Leviticus! How about you and I click right now and read that portion about the 153 fish…John 21:1-14. A lady told me the other day that it was not Leviticus where she got bogged down in her reading; it was Numbers. Something to look forward to, right?
Yours for the blessing of going back and forth between the Old and the New Testaments,
P.S. [Originally written October 9, 2016] Below is a photo of Norma-Jean and me at Thanksgiving a few years ago. We were about to partake of a delicious turkey dinner with some of our family. Also our granddaughter, Hannah Jean Shaheen, M.D., was married recently to a fine young businessman Dan Fuller. I’m rejoicing in God’s goodness that He allowed me to be released from the hospital in time to participate in their wedding ceremony. The second photo below is of Grandpa serving them communion. Rev. Ron Mainse officiated the ceremony.
From Streams in the Desert, Cowman, October 9
“Oh, every year hath its winter,
And every year hath its rain–
But a day is always coming
When the birds go north again.
“When new leaves swell in the forest,
And grass springs green on the plain,
And alders’ veins turn crimson–
And the birds go north again.
“Oh, every heart hath its sorrow,
And every heart hath its pain–
But a day is always coming
When the birds go north again.
“‘Tis the sweetest thing to remember,
If courage be on the wane,
When the cold, dark days are over–
Why, the birds go north again.”
Here I am Lord with lyrics, Eric Tom
Happy Thanksgiving Sunday, fellow saints. 🥧 🦃🍠
Amen,Beverlee Kay.I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and may you find reason to be truly thankful.
Give Thanks…
Thank You Jesus for Your great suffering which brought forgiveness from our sins. Thank You. Blessings all on this beautiful day.
Amen Doreen. Thank You Jesus for all Your Blessings, in Your Holy Name I pray, Amen.
Thank You, Father. Your mercy endures forever. And for Your children, living as light throughout this world. Bless, strengthen, and help each one, in Jesus’s great name, amen
And, from yesterday: Walk With Me, by David Myles:
Happy Thanksgiving to all ! i have so very much to be thankful for. Even during hard situations I have been so very blessed . Thank you Jesus.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who view this amazing Daily Blog. May God Bless each and everyone of you that includes the Mainse family..
I just want to wish everyone a blessed and happy Thanksgiving this weekend as we’re together with family and friend
We have so much to be grateful and thankful for
God bless everyone 🦃♥️🙏✝️😃🥧