Today’s Reading: Exodus 28
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In this full-sized replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle, which was on exhibit at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, the High Priest places blood from the sacrifice onto the horns of the altar on behalf of the people (yesterday’s blog makes reference to these horns).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 28:36
You shall also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engraving of a signet: HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
The clothing of the high priest was designed by God, Himself. The symbolism is powerful. Jesus Christ is our High Priest. He is the personification of “Holiness to the Lord.” He is “The High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus” (Hebrews 3:1). In the book of Hebrews, He is called our High Priest seven times. We need to take the time to read Hebrews 2:17 right through to Hebrews 10:22 (click here). That is a big assignment, but I guarantee you’ll learn to value the work of Jesus more than ever. Like the epaulets on the shoulders of the Hebrew high priest, He presents our names before God, not just from time to time but continually. His primary occupation is that “He ever lives to make intercession” (Hebrews 7:25). John writes, “If any man sins, we have an Advocate (lawyer for the defense) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1).
Lord Jesus, I thank You with all my being for representing me before the Father. Thank You, God, for receiving the blood of the Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, on my behalf. It’s beyond me to fully comprehend Your love, grace and mercy. I can only give myself here and now once again to You. When I pray, “In Jesus’ Name,” I have a new understanding of what is really taking place. IN JESUS’ NAME, Amen!
Dr. Charles Rolls was often a guest on 100 Huntley Street when in his nineties. One day, at 97, he showed up at our studio in downtown Toronto fully dressed in the garb of the High Priest. He had sewn the entire outfit with his own hands, put it on, and proceeded on the subway from North York to mid-town. I can’t imagine what the people on the train thought. He told them he was a guest later that morning on TV and was teaching about the role of the Hebrew High Priest. He departed this life at age 99. I had a big celebration planned for his 100th birthday. Instead, we celebrated his passing on to Glory. His series of books on the Names of Jesus are amazing (you might find one or more copies of his six-volume set on Amazon.com…try starting here). I realize once again that I (you too) am called to be a priest in the sense that when I pray for someone, I am representing them to God (1 Peter 2:5 & 9, Revelation 1:6).
Yours for a greater understanding of the ministry of Jesus, as well as our personal ministries,
Thank You, Lord, for all the beauty You have woven into creation. Help us to appreciate all the great efforts of people to make life a bit more beautiful. Keep on drawing people to You, Lord, so they can know the One who makes all things well, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amazing! I have never been to a Jewish Temple and I ado wonder if the priests still wear such garments. The details of the garment are so incredible. Have a Wonderful day all.
Thank you Anne for your prayers. You said that it took you about three months for reality to set in. It is now three months since my husband went to be with the Lord and the pain is more acute now than ever. It is extremely difficult to do life as a widow when you’ve done life as a couple for decades. It’s only by God’s Grace that we’re able to make it through each day. God has been so good to me. I cannot make it without His help.
May the Lord minister to your needs and bless you and all fellow bloggers
Luisa, thank you for your prayers.
May God bless you with strength and peace of
mind, knowing He is always with you, in His Holy
Name I pray, Amen.
Thank you Joyce. Blessings to you!
Luisa… I agree.It is extremely difficult, my whole identity was wrapped up in being part of a couple as you write.
The Lord didn’t miraculously take my pain away, but HE began teaching me, it’s ok to mourn deeply, in fact it is good to feel and acknowledge our pain. I learned that sometimes in our society people are uncomfortable with deep sadness and distress.
I read a quote which helped me in my journey……..Allow yourself to mourn for as long as you need to, your loved one deserves to be mourned, it is honouring the relationship that you had….
Yes it is God’s Grace that helps us thro each day, thank you Luisa for your prayers as well.
Luisa, I understand how you feel especially during these times. Life is so very different these days with the virus & wars, floods, etc. I’m now widowed 8 yrs. I lost my only sibling also 2 years ago. I have found that the Lord is so true to His promises. He cares for the widow. My family does not live close and friends are moving or passing also. The Lord, however, is our Rock. He is true to His promises. (I have several books about His promises). I’m not saying it’s easy but prayer for family, friends, & strangers on the street as you pass by, is a Wonderful privilege. I pray for a daycare centre near my home. Love to watch the children as they play outside. Acknowledge God at every opportunity & you will be blessed. He sees and cares for His own. Blessings
Thank you Doreen! I often pray for you. I remember when your sister passed away. I also know that you have no family living near you. May you always sense God’s presence to encourage and comfort you!
Like yourself, I find strength and joy by praying for others and helping in any way I can. When we help, we are helped. “ those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed”
This blog helps to keep me connected to all bloggers and I pray for their requests.
Good bless you.
I really appreciate the blog as well, Luisa! Bless the family for doing this. David would be so happy with their faithfulness.
Read from 2:17 to 11:00 so good Jesus thank you, love you King-Priest at the right hand of God the Father. Holy Spirit here our helper Councillor, encourager. And many more benefits. Greater than all. Hallelujah.