Today’s Reading: Exodus 14
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Looking North to Elat from the Israel side of the Red Sea. Off in the distance you can see Mountains of Edom in Jordan. This shoreline contains some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world with an amazing variety of sea life. Be sure to click on the link at the end of the blog to learn about amazing coral formations resembling chariot wheels found on the bottom of the Red Sea. Exodus 14:25 tells us that God took off the wheels of the Egyptian chariots.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. NKJV
Hemmed in between the sea and the mountains with water before them and Pharaoh’s forces behind them, Israel meets their first big test of faith – and it appears that all except Moses are in a state of panic. Moses obeys God and God’s people learn the lesson we need to learn also. The NIV translation puts it this way, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” As long as we have the means to resist evil ourselves, we must do so. When we can do nothing, our duty is to wait patiently, quietly, courageously moving forward when God prompts us. Moses probably did not know how God would deliver, but he had no doubt that God would make a way. The words “boldness” (verse 8) and “very afraid” (verse 10) describe the changing feelings of the people. We should not be led by our emotions but by God’s Word. God says to Moses, “Tell the people to go forward” (verse 15).
Lord God, speak Your Word to me today through my Bible reading, through a godly leader, or a brother or sister in faith, or by Your “still small Voice” (1 Kings 19:12). Having heard from You, Lord, I am moving forward. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
Someone said to an old preacher, “If you believed that God told you to jump through that brick wall, would you jump?” The preacher replied, “Yes, it would be my job to jump. It’s God’s job to make the hole in the wall!” I heard someone else say, “We must attempt things for God that are so humanly impossible that they will surely fail if God is not in them.” I, for one, want them to fail if God is not in them. I have said many times, “We have to be willing to trip and fall, and be made to look like the biggest fool ever, if we are to accomplish all that God wants us to do.” Over the years at the Crossroads ministry, God has done things that were humanly impossible. Sometimes I’ve championed losing causes, but I’d much rather look like a fool than fail to “go forward.” Crossroads/100 Huntley Street is still “moving forward” today!
Yours, moving forward,
P.S. Last week my son Ron attached to the blog the most amazing scientific research documentary about the “Exodus.” I’m asking him to put it on again today in case you missed it or in case you did not have time to share it with family members and others who may be sceptical as to the historical reliability of the Scriptures (click here). It was reported online recently that the Egyptian Department of Antiquities have now found many more remains of Pharaoh’s army on the sea bottom.
Thank You, Father, that Your ways will prevail. You are God, and You are all we need, in Jesus’s name, amen
Very interesting video today. Thank You Lord for showing us Your protection, provision, guidance. Blessings all.
The video shown is very interesting and some would say they are natural formations….and so does the video:natural formations on man made objects.
David’s personal words today all apply to a close friend and I.On a smaller scale he is in a ‘Jobe’ situation.(I’m spelling ‘Jobe’ the way it’s pronounced.) He keeps getting more bad news about a property he owns 3 hours away which he is trying to put on the market.The tenants haven’t paid rent in 3-4 months and are supposed to be moving.Please pray for him.He has great faith and knows God is up to something.Praise God
William: I am so sorry to hear what is happening with your friend Jobe. I will be praying for him, knowing that Lord is able to fix this in an instant. Eleanor M.