NOTE from Ron Mainse: Today would have been Dad’s 86th birthday. We all miss him very much. Six years ago, when he wrote this blog post, there was a special edition of 100 Huntley Street to celebrate his 80th birthday. You can watch the entire hour HERE. Also, tomorrow is my Mom’s birthday (Norma-Jean Mainse).
Today’s Reading: Exodus 8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 8:13a
So the Lord did according to the word of Moses.
Moses spoke, and God backed him up with supernatural power. Some have used this reality to get God to do their will. No, no, we are to do God’s will. First we find out the will of God, and then we speak, and God acts accordingly. Jesus’ word was always effective, 100% of the time. Why? Because He could say, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do” (John 5:19). Jesus got up very early each morning to spend time with His Father in prayer (Mark 1:35). Jesus functioned as a Man filled with the Holy Spirit. He was, is, and ever shall be fully God, but He laid aside the exercise of His Diety. He took time to find His Father’s plan for the new day, and then did what His Father wanted Him to do. This is also the way we can know what to speak, and God will do that which we speak as He did for Moses.
Father God, I want what You want. Help me to speak out that which You give me to speak so that “Your will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” I pray this in the Name of Jesus Who always, without fail, did Your perfect will. Amen!
I remember Norma-Jean coming home with a booklet entitled, “Hung by the Tongue.” It pointed out the power of our words for good or evil, for positive or negative results. Jesus never ever used His essential divinity for selfish purposes. He lived as a Holy Spirit-filled Human Being. The temptation of Jesus is an example of this (Matthew 4:3-4). He could’ve turned the stones into bread as Satan suggested, but He refused to help Himself in this way. It’s sad to report that there are those today who claim “prosperity” for themselves, twisting the Scriptures, seeking to manipulate God for their own purposes, taking advantage of their position of influence to manipulate people into giving sacrifically so that the manipulator may prosper. Simon the sorcerer did this. Please look this up as I have done (Acts 8:9-25). Run from those who, like Simon, are “claiming to be someone great,” and (as verse 10 says), “All gave heed to him from the least to the greatest saying, ‘This man is the great power of God.'”
Yours for hearing from God each morning and then speaking and doing His will,
Hi Ron and everyone,
Your Dad set such a wonderful example for us, and shared so much knowledge and wisdom from the scriptures and from personal his experience. His love for his family was very evident. Although I rarely post a comment, I have been reading this blog since shortly after your Dad started it, and I never tire of it. Thanks for continuing it, and Happy Birthday to Norma Jean.
Amen Eleanor.
Happy birthday Norma-Jean. Praying for you and all of your family. Thank you for continuing to share your love for the Lord with all of us.
Happy Birthday, Norma Jean. You are blessed as well as Eleanor Conboy. May God richly bless both and all concerned.
Amen Eleanor. The Maine’s family are such a blessing to so many people.
Lord we lift Kevin to you for healing from Covid. We pray that you will be with him and bring him from the hospital back home to his family soon.
I have a special request for my neighbours. There young puppy has broken his hip through the growth plate and vets are saying he must have surgery which will cost a minimum of 4000$ plus they will have to travel at least 400 miles to get the surgery. They don’t know what to do they want to help the puppy but that is a huge expense
I pray that although they have been told the growth plate will not heal that Lord will put his healing hands on this young pup and mend that growth plate. Let it amaze those vets what the power of prayer can do
Joining you in prayer for this family and the puppy. It is such a comfort to me that Almighty God created animals and loves them too.
May this family be blessed and the little dog healed.
Also praying along with Eleanor and everyone for her son Kevin.
May God bless and give Kevin health and strength, and may the peace of Christ fill that family!
Thank you Mainse family for keeping the blog going and for those who pray for each other. May God be glorified through the healing of the pup and for Kevin. Happy birthday Norma Jean. Have a great day!
Amen to all the comments and prayers above.
Happy Birthday to Norma-Jean on your special day, God bless you.
Such beautiful comments this a.m. and in total agreement with them all. May God bless all saints. Happy Birthday Norma Jean!!
Agreeing with todays comments, I am praying for complete healing for Kievin and that dear little puppy, that they will be completely healed in the Nane of Jesus, our lord and Saviour Amen and Amen .
Blessings to all Eleanor M
Thanks again for posting David’s wonderful 100words every single day! So impressive and so wonderful – I follow it daily and have others joining me on this. PTL! Note please: typo in first section “diety” should read deity, right?
Happy Birthday, dear Norma Jean Mainse! May God continue to richly bless you and your whole family- what a joy it must be to you as it is to our Father in Heaven to see your family walking in truth – 3John4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” That is my prayer too for my family-please join me in praying for them. PTL
Heavenly Sunshine