Today’s Reading: Exodus 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Temple of Edfu is located on the west bank of the Nile in the city of Edfu. It is the second largest temple in Egypt after Karnak and one of the best preserved. The temple, dedicated to the falcon god Horus, was built in the Ptolemaic period between 237 and 57 BC. The statue in the foreground is known as “The Lord of Darkness.” Satan desired all to worship him. He is known in Scripture as “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). We recognize that this statue is just a chunk of stone. We worship the LORD GOD, THE GREAT I AM, THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 6:2
And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the Lord.”
In yesterday’s reading, Exodus 3 & 4, God said His Name is “I Am.” Now He adds greater insight into His Eternal Being. He is “the Lord.” The original Hebrew, in its English form, is “Jehovah.” This means “self existent or eternal.” Translated as “Lord,” this word is found over 10,000 times in the Bible. I have in front of me Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, a book about three inches thick. In this computer savvy generation, you can click here and access an online concordance to find where every word that comes to mind appears in the Bible. The Bible is the “Word of God.” That does not indicate that God spoke every word. It does inform us that God supervised the writing of every word in the original languages over a 1,500-year period of time by various people so that what God wanted written was done as He wanted it done. God speaks and introduces Himself to us. Isn’t that great!
Lord God, I worship You, and as Jesus said, I am to love You with “all my heart, my soul, and my mind” (Matthew 22:37-38). You would not have commanded me to do this without giving the grace to me so that I could obey You. I pray and believe for that grace now, Lord God. In the Name of the One who loved You completely, Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
I am at a loss to express adequately with my heart, soul and mind the infinite greatness of the Lord God. The magnificent anthem, “How Great Thou Art” is a wonderful expression of awe toward God. When this blog is posted, I plan to look up the words of that song and sing them. My son-in-law, Bruce Stacey, came close to expressing fully how I feel in his composition called, The Scroll. This work has been the centrepiece of “The Pavilion of Promise” at three World Expos, Vancouver ’86, Brisbane ’88 and Seville ’92. I’m asking Ron to add to this a link to the great words and music to which I’ve referred and also the simplest way for you to support Crossroads. Together we can make that “Name” known in a greater way than ever.
Yours for the Glory of the Lord God Jehovah, the Great, “I am,”
P.S. I could go on at length about the ways God has used The Scroll. Here’s just one mighty occasion: When the city of Leningrad, Russia, changed its name from honouring the atheist Lenin back to its original Christian name, “St. Petersburg,” they wanted a modern musical work as part of their celebration to be performed in their most famous theatre. You guessed it, they chose a Russian translation of The Scroll for repeated performances. The “Great I Am” was glorified! O.K. Ron, how will you connect our readers to those anthems?…
From Ron: OK, Dad, I’m on it!… First, let me give you the simplest ways to respond with a donation to help the ongoing mission of Crossroads…you can call 1-800-265-3100 (during business hours) or you can give online by clicking here.
Dad referred to the hymn, “How Great Thou Art,” so here’s a link to the words for you (and Dad)…click here to read them. And let me also include a link to an old video from 1957 of George Beverly Shea singing “How Great Thou Art” at a Billy Graham Crusade…click here to watch it.
Also, below are the lyrics to one of the songs from The Scroll musical by Bruce W. Stacey, referring to “The Great I Am”…
Worthy Is The Son
NARRATION: “A great quiet fell upon all of heaven and earth as the Son returned and appeared at the right hand of the Father. Taking the scroll from the Great I Am, He held it out for all to see. Holding it high above the throne, He broke the seven seals, releasing the Great I Am’s final judgment on all evil and wickedness. All of heaven and earth fell upon their knees and worshipped the King and the Son…the Great I Am.”
Thank You, Lord God Almighty, for this new day. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen and thank God for all the MERCIES HE has bestowed on we, the people of His pasture,.
Amen,Rob.May God bless everyone.
After attending a gospel show I had a sleepless night.A
melody started in my head,over and over, followed by
the first line of the chorus,then I had to get up (at 328
AM,finished at 4:16 AM.June 6/2011),wait for my old PC
to boot up and this is the result.I corrected two typos but
this is as it was written in not more than 20 min,like taking
dictation (which became the norm).
Sweet Jesus I owe everything to you and to you alone,
You have shown me my home,you are my anchorstone,
You have saved me always when stormy winds have blown,
You have always been my rock,the truest friend I’ve known,
So why do you think me worthy as a seed you have sown
What can I ever do to earn all the love you’ve shown .
Let me know sweet Jesus, let me know beyond my days
Let me know my savour,when I bow down to you in praise,
When my time here is drawing short and coming to a close,
As they carry me away after leading the life I chose,
I pray that I will leave not sorrow for those that I love,
But instead to know the joy that waits for us above.
I am not a wealthy man but I am very rich by far,
When I walk my journey you’re my guiding star
And you know that I am honest in all the things I do,
I have never born false witness,I only say what’s true,
You have strengthened my soul before I even knew
Of life’s losses with your love to see me through.
You have always had your hand placed within my soul,
You have shown me your light that has made me whole,
I have never known this love that comes from your grace,
Nor have I known compassion that shines from your face,
For I am still a sinner and you are the Son of God
I can only meet you at the end of the road I trod.
G W(Bill) Marshall/June 6/2011 (No copyright intended)
Love that hymn & attended Billy Graham’s crusades in Toronto. Amazing services.