Today’s Reading: Matthew 5
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The Mount of Beatitudes is located near the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was in this area that Jesus delivered the longest recorded teaching we have on record, Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. The Church of the Beatitudes can be seen in the distance.
Key Verse: Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
“Love” and “Enemy” don’t fit together. Sue and be sued! Get even! That’s our world today. Jesus makes a demand which is humanly impossible. In verse 39, Jesus tells us that “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” A while back at a meeting of our Crossroads U.S.A. Board, Rev. Albert Vaters commented on John 15:5, “Without Me you can do NOTHING.” He said that no matter how hard we try on our own, it is worth zero. But he assured us that “With God NOTHING will be IMPOSSIBLE.”
Jesus, the true Revolutionary, is “LOVE.” This is His DNA.
Lord Jesus, I invite You to live in me. Only You have lived 100% the words You taught us. I give myself to You. Because of You living in me, “NOTHING shall be IMPOSSIBLE.” Amen!
It has never been hard for me to pray the prayer that Jesus said would make me right with God, “God be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). The word “sin” originates as an archery term. It means missing the target. My aim, my focus, my prayer is to be like Jesus. Most of the time I miss the bullseye, but there are times when I am conscious that Jesus in me is helping me to hit the mark.
One day I met a young man named Gord at the YMCA. His face was buried in a paper bag. He was sniffing glue. He lifted his head just long enough to spit in my face. Amazingly I felt nothing but love for Gord. I’m 100% sure that was not just me. Jesus was living and loving from within.
In Christ’s love and service,
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being our refuge and strength. Help all Your people today to shine for You, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Nothing is impossible with/for God. Thank You Lord. I give You JJ & Kristy today; asking that Your Perfect Will be done in them. And I ask for healing & strength for myself. I must consider a more supportive home as I have challenges. Nothing is impossible for God. He’s with us every step of the way. Amen
Amen to the prayers above
Doreen consult with God about your decision to move to a more supportive home. Whatever your decision may it be Gods will for you. I feel sometimes that decision is made more from pressure of friends and family. May God bless you and guide you in your decision.
Praying with you for JJ and Kristy that God’s will be done in them
Blessings for all bloggers
HJR, agreeing with you in prayer for Doreen, JJ & Kristy that our Lord’s Will be done in their lives,
in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Please pray fo my children. They have all strayed from God.
Thank you. HJR. I am praying for God’s guidance and to open the door of His direction & @ the right time. God bless you.
Joining everyone in prayer for all the needs and people mentioned above.
Doreen, thank you for all your heartfelt comments and insights… am praying for health and strength and courage for you, as you make decisions for the future.
May God Bless and guide you and your family.
Also agreeing with ALL the Prayers!
Lord, we are so very thankful for Your friend and servant, Doreen.
Lead and Guide her in all ways.
Though her body may falter, may her steps continue to be strong in You.
Thank you Anne blessings