Thursday, May 26, 2022


Today’s Reading: Revelation 19 

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Yad Lashiryon Memorial at Latrun is the Armored Corps’ Memorial Site. The memorial is surrounded by tanks used and captured in Israeli wars. The centrepiece of the Armored Corps is the Wall of Names on which are inscribed the names of all 4,965 fallen soldiers of the Armored Corps from all of modern Israel’s wars. This location is also the site of the Biblical battles of Joshua against the Amorite kings; in the book of Joshua it says: “Sun, stand still upon Giv’on; and moon, in the valley of Ayalon” (Joshua 10:12). In today’s reading we find that the warrior King, Prince of Peace, has a Name written which “No one knew except Himself!” Let us not forget that Jesus was born and lived as a Jew, and that all His disciples and thousands of the early church believers were all Jewish.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Revelation 19:10c

For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.


Jim and Kathy Cantelon write today’s 100 Words segment (originally published in Crossroads’ Day Unto Day devotional series)…

Chapter 19 opens with two hymns. One is sung by “great multitude[s] in heaven” praising God for the destruction of “the great prostitute” (verses 1-5). The other is also sung by “a great multitude” to the “Lamb…and His bride” (verses 6-10). Then, after the angelic guide proclaims that “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (verse 10c), the chapter describes the Christ of the Last Days.

John sees Him as a Rider on a “white horse” and His name is “Faithful and True.” His robe is “dipped in blood” and the name that emerges (as John looks at the robe) is “Word of God.” He makes war with “justice” as His motive, and He “strikes down the nations.” His warfare is marked with an intimidating and irresistible “fury” that has its source in “the wrath of God Almighty.” His name is even more than “Faithful and true” and “Word of God” – it is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (verses 11-16).

The chapter concludes with the beast and the false prophet being “thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur” (verse 20). The kings of the earth and all their armies who dared to war against the Lamb in the battle “are killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse” (verse 21).

Jesus the Lamb is Jesus the King. He is Lord of lords, and all power and authority belong to Him. No one, not even the beast, can resist His fury. But everyone whose name is written in the Book of Life will rest in His Love.


Almighty God, I pray for the grace of New Testament prophecy. May I faithfully tell others of “The testimony of Jesus!” Amen!!!


I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. The golden rule of understanding the Bible is to “Let the Bible interpret the Bible!” Today’s key verse is an example of that. The Apostle Peter preached on the birthday of the Church, the day of Pentecost, from a text found in Joel 2:28-29. When the 120 believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, they spilled out onto the streets of Jerusalem speaking about “the wonderful works of God” in the languages which the people, who had gathered from all over the world, could understand. This was “the spirit of prophecy!” Peter answered the question, “Whatever could this mean?” Your sons, daughters, young men, old men, male and female servants will have God’s Spirit poured out on them and “they shall prophesy!” The primary and continual sign of keeping filled with God’s Spirit is “Prophecy!” I’ll repeat this again for emphasis. The ongoing evidence of being filled with God’s Spirit is to consistently witness to others of the Person and work of Jesus. Let no one claim to be filled with God’s Spirit if they do not consistently testify of Jesus so that “Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved!” (Read Acts 2:1-24 as the first example of the true nature of New Testament prophecy). Jesus is “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!!” Here was Peter, who, just 50 days earlier, denied Jesus three times. He could not even witness to a waitress who suggested that she saw him in Jesus’ company. Now he is bold, fearless, and very public in giving “The testimony of Jesus!”

Yours for winning the whole world to the One called “Faithful and True,” Who will come “clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called, ‘The Word of God!'” Revelation 19:13),


Here are some of the names of fallen Jewish Israeli soldiers at the Yad Lashiryon Memorial. These people died in fulfillment of the many prophecies of the Bible predicting the establishment of a state called Israel once again in preparation for the rule of the Messiah. The Bible says that Jesus, the Messiah, is coming again and that He “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20b). The battle in which Jesus gave His life for our “Peace” was fought and won through the resurrection out from among the dead. Let us make His Name known to the whole world!

7 thoughts on “Thursday, May 26, 2022

  1. Such a sad statement that so many are at war with the One who is Faithful and True.
    Father, bless all You have called. Strengthen each one with Your very presence in their lives. Bring opportunities for each one to witness for You, and give each one great boldness to stand for You, with You, in You, in the matchless name of our Saviour and Sustainer, Jesus Christ, amen

    “Crown him with many crowns,
    the Lamb upon his throne.
    Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns
    all music but its own.
    Awake, my soul, and sing
    of him who died for thee,
    and hail him as thy matchless king
    through all eternity.

    Crown him the Lord of life,
    who triumphed o’er the grave,
    and rose victorious in the strife
    for those he came to save;
    his glories now we sing
    who died and rose on high,
    who died eternal life to bring,
    and lives that death may die.

    Crown him the Lord of love;
    behold his hands and side,
    rich wounds, yet visible above,
    in beauty glorified;
    no angels in the sky
    can fully bear that sight,
    but downward bends their burning eye
    at mysteries so bright.

    Crown him the Lord of years,
    the potentate of time,
    creator of the rolling spheres,
    ineffably sublime.
    All hail, Redeemer, hail!
    for thou hast died for me;
    thy praise shall never, never fail
    throughout eternity.”

    By Matthew Bridges, 1851

  2. Wonderful, Truth in song, Rob. Thank you. Yesterday @ a coffee gathering in our condo, we were joking about birthdays. Someone had said to me a while back (my birthday is in February);”and many, many, many, more (birthdays)! I said, “hey not quite so many, manys! I’m looking forward (&; I pointed in an upward direction);; The lady sitting next to me said, “yes, but I don’t know if I‘ll make it”! I had the response she needed pointing out that no one is “good enough”. Not one of us. That’s why God sent His Son to take our sins & shortcomings upon Himself & make a way for us to go to heaven. We invite Jesus into our heart & life. Please pray for her (Olive). Thank you. Blessings all.

  3. Amen and special prayers for Olive that she has accepted Christ as her saviour and will know with confidence that she is heaven bound
    Praise the Lord for opening the door for Doreen to witness to Olive

    • Amen HJR.
      May the whole world come to know Jesus Christ
      as their personal Saviour and friend, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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