Today’s Reading: 2 – 3 John
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The ruins of Ephesus. The top of the ancient Celsus Library can be seen lit by the sun just beyond the pillars. John’s two letters, today’s reading, were probably written from here. Ephesus spawned many religious cults. John writes, “Many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh” (2 John 1:7).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 2 John 1:5, 3 John 1:5-6
And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another…
Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well.
John’s primary message in his Gospel and in his three letters is about God’s love and “that we love one another.” Second John teaches how to behave as Christians, and how to recognize any teaching which diminishes the Person of Jesus Christ by teaching that He was an angelic spirit who was not 100% human as well as 100% God! Let’s not forget that while John was a most loving person, he was also referred to by Jesus as one of the “sons of thunder” (“Boanerges” in Greek – Mark 3:17). Because he loved God and people, John was able to thunder out his message of uncompromising truth, particularly the truth about the One with whom he spent over three years.
In his third letter, John refers to a previous letter which he had written, perhaps First or Second John, which had been rejected by “Diotrephes,” a leader in one of the churches. Religious cult founders are much like this man who “loved the preeminence,” who “spoke malicious words,” and who exalts himself into a place of egotistical religious authority. Gaius and Demetrius are two generous and humble men. We would do well to follow their examples.
Lord Jesus, I did not have the glorious opportunity that John had. He spent all that time with You during Your ministry in the Galilee and Jerusalem, and he was there at the cross when You died. He even fished with You, Lord, along with his brother James, Peter and Andrew, when You caused great catches of fish, and he was there when You miraculously fed the 4,000 and the 5,000. Realizing that John knew You better than I ever could, I pray for the grace to accept and believe John’s words about You. In Your Name I ask this. Amen!!!
I find it hard to imagine how inflated are the opinions some have of themselves, that they think they know better than the Prophets and Apostles, who gave us the historical record of God interacting with His human family. The wanderings of the imaginations of some who teach false doctrines, like Diotrephes, are with us in books, lectures in universities, media appearances, etc. Now, 2,000 years later, there are still some who are getting attention who think they know the facts better than those who were actually there when the events they describe happened. In order to deceive people, the devil even comes as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:12-15). There are false doctrines brought to our doors. The founder of one of these says he got his information from an angel (Mormonism), and another founder was an independent minister in Brooklyn, NY, who was bitter against other Pastors in his area. He claimed to know the Greek language in which the New Testament was written, but in the records of a court of law in which he appeared, he could not name the letters of the Greek alphabet. He resurrected the false doctrines which John thundered against. Then it was called “Arianism;” today it’s “The Watchtower Society” or “Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
Yours for “Truth,” John’s message, and for living out that truth as did “the elect lady and her children.” Also for learning from the godliness and generosity of Gaius, and for following the example of the one who “has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself,” Demetrius!!
P.S. If readers have the time, I suggest going back into the blogs and reviewing all three of John’s letters. Tomorrow, God willing, we’ll be in the book of Obadiah.
Can someone explain the “elect lady” to me in the blog.
Thank you.
Dear Carole, found this online. Good question and this seems to be a good answer:
Also referred to as the “chosen” one. “John calls the lady in 2 John “the elect” because she believed in Jesus Christ and was therefore saved; she was a member of the universal Church. Some interpreters see the lady not as an individual but as a symbol of the church as a whole or of a local body of believers. But that interpretation makes it difficult to explain who her “children” are. It is better to view this lady as an unnamed friend of John who had actual children who were serving the Lord.
“There are actually two elect ladies mentioned in 2 John. The apostle concludes his letter by relaying a message: “The children of your elect sister greet you” (2 John 1:13, ESV). So, we have an “elect lady” who receives the letter, and she has an “elect sister” whose children (her nieces and nephews) also know John. The mention of this other elect lady and her children further supports the view that John is writing to actual individuals. The lady and her family were chosen by God, redeemed by Christ, and made part of the family of God (John 1:12).”
Hi Beverlee! Nice to hear from you today. The ladies seemed to have been dedicated followers who raised their children to know the truth. Please continue to pray for Ukraine. It’s so difficult to see the death and destruction on the news. Blessings all.
God bless you sister Doreen! 🫶
Thank you Beverly and Lynda for answering my question, God Bless, Carole.
Thank you from me as well , It is so nice when we have questions ,someone is willing to give us the answers .Big thankyou to the Maines family for continuing !00 Words Bible study. Blessings to all .
“Come now, and let us reason together….”.That is what I see here,’reasoning together’.Perhaps John knew she would not like her name mentioned but all would know her by her reputation as in his description?Thank you ladies.That article was enlightening but I could not find anything about the authour.
It is very disturbing about the Ukraine War.It will be much worse than this during the Tribulation.Keep your eye on Israel and pray for Jerusalem (and Ukraine).May God bless
For the 9th from “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving throughout the day for God’s unfailing love, mercy, compassion, faithfulness and provision. (psalm 100)
2. Pray that the Lord will lead the Church in finding ways to wisely and effectively respond to pressing social issues. (1 Chronicles 12:32)
Thank You, Lord God, for Your Word. It’s amazing to read letters from someone who actually, physically walked and talked with Jesus. John knew He was loved by You, and did all he could to let others know they were loved also. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for that great love that motivated You to lay down Your life for us. In Jesus’s name, amen
And, as Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:
“When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.”
Thanks everyone for your posts today, I was encouraged to hear the definition of the elect lady. I was wondering what it meant as well.
Blessings to all, Edward and I will be married 57 years tomorrow.
Congratulations on 57 years of marriage!
Thank you Maria.
Thank you Maria..
Happy Anniversary Eleanor and Edward! God bless you and keep you! 💕
Take you very much Beverlee
Thank you all for the good wishes. It will be a quiet day as our 13 year old grandson has Covid. So we wont be seeing our family.
Thank you very much Beverlee🤗
Congratulations on your Anniversary, Eleanor and Edward. May memories, from years gone, by be treasured close in your hearts and may tomorrow also be the beginning of many more wonderful love-filled years together.
Happy 57th anniversary Eleanor and Edward! God bless you both and grant you many more joyous years together! 🎉🎈💐
Good to hear from you, Beverlee. I look forward to reading your book. I pray that you are making good progress.
Thinking of and praying for Nan and her husband as they travel home from Florida.
God bless all bloggers.
Congratulations Eleanor and Edward…..May God Bless you both with many more years together in good health and His wonderful peace.