Today’s Reading: Amos 7-8
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With a giant trunk and boughs towering 60 feet high, a gnarled sycamore near Jericho’s main square is believed to be over 2,000 years old, and could be the very tree that the hated tax collector Zacchaeus climbed to get a glimpse of Jesus (Luke 19:1-5). In today’s reading, Amos says that he was a tender of sycamore fruit (Amos 7:14).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Amos 7:14b,15
I was no prophet, nor was I the son of a prophet, but I was a herdsman and a tender of sycamore fruit. Then the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said to me, “Go prophesy to my people Israel!”
Amaziah, a priest serving the northern kingdom of Israel, tried to shut Amos up. When he realized that Amos would not be quiet, he tried to send this prophet/preacher to the southern kingdom of Judah. With stubborn resolve Amos refused to leave, continuing to speak truth to power. Neither king nor priest could stop him! The call of God on his life was all consuming. As it was with Amos, so it is with those who hear the Word of the Lord today. God, through Jesus, says to us, “GO, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations!” (Matthew 28:18-20). Mark writes these Words of Jesus, “GO into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Like Amos, true followers of Jesus feel compelled to “GO” and/or support those who “GO,” if we are obedient to God. The results of obedience are summed up in the last verse of Mark’s Gospel, “And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through accompanying signs. Amen!” (Mark 16:20). As Amos tells us, the worst famine ever is not the lack of food to eat physically, but the famine “of hearing the Words of the Lord!” (Amos 8:11b).
Lord God, I’m listening to You! I hear You! Because I have called You my Lord and God, I must obey You or my decision to give my life to You is a lie! I pray for grace to “GO” and “Prophesy.” I remember that prophesy for Your followers, Jesus, is as John said in Revelation 19:10b, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” It is in the Name of Jesus that I pray this prayer for world revolution, turning the whole world to Christ! Amen!!!
Dr. Oswald J. Smith, the man I consider to be the greatest 20th century supporter of Christian world missions and sender of missionaries, said, “Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice, when millions have never heard it once!” During his years as pastor of The People’s Church in Toronto (1928-1959), huge banners with such statements would hang on the walls of his church. Hundreds of missionaries were sent all over the world, and at missions conventions, faith promises were made to give millions of dollars to send them. I recognize that the passion that consumed Amos is the same as I find in great Pastors/Evangelists and in visionary believers in Jesus everywhere. The Apostle Paul wrote, “How shall they preach unless they are sent!” (Romans 10:15).
Crossroads Christian Communications is a ministry with a worldwide mandate from God to proclaim “the testimony of Jesus” 24/7 over the entire world. Norma-Jean and I are praying daily for the Crossroads mission and giving monthly.
Yours for every one of us to rise to the challenge in obedience to those compelling words, “GO!” “PREACH!”
Amen, amen, and amen to David’s comments and prayers.
Lord God, help all Your people everywhere stay true to You. Help us all do what You have called us to do, and to do it well, as unto the Lord. Thank You, Father, for always being True, and for doing all things well, in Jesus’s great name, amen
And, from Michael Youssef this morning:
“Lord, help me set my eyes on You, the author and perfecter of faith. I know I have victory in this world and beyond because the God of all creation has won it for me. Thank You, Jesus! I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, . . .” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Amen Rob, David and Michael.
Amen,to David’s prayer and Rob’s also.
Thank You Lord, for the opportunity of salvation. I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and that You send labourers into the fields that are so needing to hear this message. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have sat under the teaching of Oswald J Smith and of his son son. An amazing ministry team Blessings all today. Amen
Amen to all the prayers this morning
For the 7th from “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray that the Lord will be close to the brokenhearted in our society and be their help. (Psalm 34:18, Psalm 145:14-16)
2. Pray for the staff and volunteers that serve in local churches in your city or community, that the Lord will anoint them for effective service. (Romans 12:1-8, Col 3:17)
Amen to your prayers Charlene.
Amen to the prayers. Special thanks Charlene for continuing to share the prayer map of Canada. Canada and the rest of the world seems to be in a never ending turmoil. I pray for our leaders that they will turn to God for guidance in all their decisions and bring our country back to Him. I pray for Godly wisdom for all politicians and for the electors to vote the Bible.