Today’s Reading: Amos 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

These ruins are located in the area of ancient Samaria. Jesus said that if people failed to praise God, the rocks would cry out. In a very real sense, these rocks are crying out to us that when people don’t want God in their daily lives, He does not force Himself upon them. They are left to their own resources, and ruin is the inevitable result.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, clink HERE.
Key Verses: Amos 5:4, 6:14
For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel:
“Seek Me and live…”
“But, behold, I will raise up a nation against you,
O house of Israel,”
Says the Lord God of hosts;
“And they will afflict you from the entrance of Hamath
To the Valley of the Arabah.”
God, in His mercy, so often grants individuals and nations the opportunity to repent, yet again and again that offer of forgiveness and a new beginning is ignored or rejected. Here in chapter five, after God, through Amos, points out Israel’s continuing rejection, He still continues His appeal to His people to repent. Four words in our key verse say it all… “SEEK ME and LIVE!” The word “seek” is in our reading three times. The dictionary says that “SEEK” means, “An attempt to find someone or something…searching…hunting.” Jesus said, “But SEEK first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness!” (Matthew 6:33a). He also urged seeking again in His powerful message on the hillside, “SEEK and you shall find!” (Matthew 7:7). Therefore, we are to SEEK for Him! The fact is…He is looking for us! Jesus said, “The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to save that which was lost.” Let’s read the story that illustrates this (Luke 19:1-10).
Lord God, I seek for You! It’s not that You are lost, it’s that I’m often distracted by the pressures, events, and everyday happenings in my life. I pray that the Holy Spirit will shine the light on You every day through my reading of Your Word. Thank You that I know where to find You. You’re right here in Your Word to me as I read! You’re there every time I kneel to pray in a manifestation of Your presence. I’ll find You also at church, because You said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them!” (Matthew 18:20). I ask You to continue to provide me with daily light. In Your Name, Jesus, I pray…Amen!!!
I’ve just looked for “Orion” (5:8a) on Google. Click here for a look at this tiny part of the cosmos which God has created. I’m so glad that in order to find God, we don’t have to travel a billion miles into space looking for Him. I sought for Him this morning and there He was, so very close to me. He didn’t hide inside the mystery of a religious ceremony. God said that He is near to those who have a broken heart (Psalm 34:18a). I pray often that God will break my heart with those things that break His. He’s right here! The Apostle Paul quoted the prophets Moses, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah to make the point that God dwells in His temples, our bodies (2 Corinthians 6:16b). I don’t have to travel far. I simply begin to read His Word, meditate on His Word, worship Him with my love, and praise Him for Who He is…for Jesus and His suffering and death on the cross for my sins. I experience that sense of love, peace and security which is a manifestation of His presence.
Yours for having the knowledge of His presence, even if I don’t feel His presence. That’s because He promised to be with us!!! (Matthew 28:18-20),
Thank You all for your encouraging thoughts, poems, prayers, and notes as we read and seek along with David. And thank you to all those who make this blog and keep it going. Thank you, Reynold, for the amazing pictures. Thank you, Ron, for your daily work putting everything together. Thank you, Anne, for editing and polishing it. Thank you to all the contributors and workers. Your work is such a help to so many.
May God bless You and keep You and make His face shine upon You, in Jesus’s name, amen
Agreeing with you Rob 100%. I enjoy reading all prayers and comments here every day.
God is so good.
Amen Rob!! Agreeing with what you have posted.
Have a Blessed day to you and all who go on this blog.
Eleanor M.
Amen Rob. Found this song and wanted to share. Blessings on all dear saints this and each day.
George Beverly Shea:
Thanks everyone. I love that song, Lynda. I wish it would become a favourite for this generation. It is a real prayer. Blessings all today. May God intervene in the situations in Ukraine and Russia. Amen
Thank u Doreen. I grew up in a small town near where Mr. Shea grew up. Yes, praying 4 the people of Ukraine and Russia as well. May God’s will be done in this drastic situation in His timing. Blessings to all saints.
Have not been able to post with no internet in my remote location for the past 2 days.
For the 6th from the “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray for a more effective witness by the church in every Canadian community. (Deut. 4:6-7, Matt 5:13-16, Acts 1:8)
2. Pray for British Columbia
Pray for the leaders of the province, that God’s Spirit would influence them to act justly, serve with integrity and honour high moral standards.(1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Pray for the churches of the province, that they would be lighthouses beaming forth the illuminating truth of God’s Word.