Today’s Reading: Amos 1-2
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Carts were used not only for transporting goods, but sometimes for fun…these children in Nazareth Village enjoy the ride, especially when their father pulls them. Today we begin reading in the book of Amos. Unlike other prophets who lived in the cities, Amos was a farmer who not only worked the fields and cared for the herds of sheep, goats, and cattle, but he was also very knowledgeable in the Scriptures.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Amos 1:3a
“Thus says the Lord…” (repeated 8 times in Amos chapters 1 & 2)
There are eight prophecies to eight different nations. We can draw the conclusion that God cares about every nation on earth. Each message from God in today’s reading begins with the statement, “For three transgressions of [people group] and for four.” In our courts today, the judge tends to be lenient on the first offence, but after three or four, the repeat offender can expect the hammer of justice to come down hard. Just imagine how a judge feels when he or she must sentence a person to a prison term or even execution! God, who knows in minute detail all the evidence, is never unjust in His sentence of judgment. The law of God is clearly stated in the statutes written by Moses and others; the penalty for sin is death! To satisfy the demands of the Law, God sent His Son to pay that penalty on behalf of His human family by execution on a Roman cross. This is how justice is done in God’s eyes, and God is able to forgive us our sins when we ask forgiveness, repenting of our sins. How thankful we should be that God deals with us as individuals with such love, mercy and grace. But what about the sins of the nations? Let’s think about that as we continue in Amos’ prophecies.
Lord God, according to Your promises, You have forgiven my sins as I confess them. You have even removed them from Your record books. For this I am totally thankful. I pray for grace to live a holy life for the next minute, the next hour, the next day, and for consistency in doing so. I believe that with Your help, I am growing in grace, becoming more like Jesus, in whose holy Name I pray. Amen!!!
Last week I pointed out that the prophet Hosea wrote of God’s “roar” like a lion, getting the attention of His people for His message to them. Amos used the lion’s “roar” (Amos 1:2a) to symbolize prophecy before Hosea did. No doubt Hosea had read Amos’ words and picked up on the lion’s “roar.” The books of the Bible, including Amos and Hosea, are not always in chronological order, as is the case with these two books. Amos was of a generation before the time of Hosea. I’m learning every day, as a 79-year-old, how to use this amazing thing called “the internet.” I’ve just gone into Google and searched and scrolled down to the blog, where I found that fantastic picture of a lion roaring out his message. This whole internet business comes under the heading of “What Will They Think of Next?” If Amos and Hosea had the internet, I think they would’ve done a daily blog too. What about it?
Yours to encourage us all to infuse God’s Word into our thoughts and our lives daily,
Father God, we need You. In all the world, we need You. Bless all Your workers who bring real help to others. Thank You for each of them. Bless their efforts, in Jesus’s great name, amen
The Lord speaks to us Peoverb 16:9 A mans heart plans his way,but the Lord directs his steps. Pray direct my steps this day, to see the brokenhearted, see with your eyes open the eyes of my heart. In Jesus name amen.
I think David would point this out to Russia today: “…what about the sins of the nations? ” I would not want to be a Russian and ,yet,they seem to be the leaders predicted to invade Israel near the end. “…for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 NIV He is in control.Amen
Amen to David’s prayer and to the prayers of the bloggers. I pray for Russia and the Ukraine. I do not understand what is happening there or why but the Lord knows and I pray His will be done and peace will return soon
Blessings to alll
Praying especially for the Ukrainian people. God will repay those who cause all this trouble on babies, children, the elderly, and, others. Guide us and strengthen us Lord. Thank You for Your Word. Amen
For the 4th from “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray for the preservation of godly values in Canada. (Proverbs 14:34)
2. Pray that political leaders will be awakened by God to the right use of power and the right stewardship of their positions.