Today’s Reading: Hosea 11-12
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The “Lion’s Fountain” in the Peoples Square in Piazza Del Populo, Rome. Jesus Christ, known as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water!” (John 7:37-38). The “roar like a lion” statement in today’s reading symbolizes the power of God’s Word to communicate God’s desires for His people.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hosea 11:8, 10
“How can I give you up, Ephraim?
How can I hand you over, Israel?
How can I make you like Admah?
How can I set you like Zeboiim?
My heart churns within Me;
My sympathy is stirred”…
“They shall walk after the Lord.
He will roar like a lion.
When He roars,
Then His sons shall come trembling from the west.”
A prophet represents God to people. A priest represents people to God. In today’s reading, Hosea reveals God to us as One whose great heart “churns” because of His love! God is moved to action and He roars like a lion, thus getting attention for His call to return. About 6,000,000 of the children of Israel, who were scattered throughout the world, have come to the land of their ancestors. Israel is now a nation state once again. God has not given up on His ancient people.
But what about the rest of the human family? He has not given up on us either. The Apostle Matthew, a Jew, quotes his prophet, Hosea, referring to the fact that, as a Child, Jesus was taken to Egypt to protect Him from the murderous rage of King Herod. “Out of Egypt I called My Son!” (Hosea 11:1). Let’s read Matthew 2:1-15. Jesus Christ, as no other, revealed the compassionate, longing heart of God for all people. He roars with the Words that come from His mouth. God’s final Words in the Bible through John, who ministered as the final Bible prophet, says to the entire human race, “I, Jesus, have sent My angel [messenger named John] to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” John goes on to proclaim, “And the Spirit and the bride say ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him come and drink of the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:16,17).
Yes, Lord, I tremble at Your Word, and I do come to You every morning! You roared from the cross the most powerful communication ever, and You have gotten the attention of at least 2 billion people currently on earth. You did not give up on the human race, and You continue to call to us to come to You! I thank You that I heard You and responded the day I received You as Saviour, and I remain in Your holy presence. I pray that Your “Roar” will be heard around the world today. May many more come to You! In the Name of the One who has gotten the attention of more people throughout the centuries than any other person, Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
Yes, I know that God also speaks in a “still small Voice” (1 Kings 19:11-13). Whatever it takes for God to communicate to me, bring it on! I need to hear from God daily. I do so by consistently, without fail, listening to God as I read His Word. I must confirm anything I’ve heard, or think I’ve heard, by checking it out in the written Word!
I may have mentioned this before, but I’ll never forget hearing a Vancouver pastor of Chinese extraction “Roar!” (he made a noise like a lion). I said to Gideon Chiu, “What are you doing?” He answered, “The serpent has had my Chinese people for far too long. The ‘Lion of Judah’ roars against the serpent!” It was a prophetic gesture. We have many examples in Scripture of the prophets making various gestures to illustrate their points. Pastor Gideon is so on fire for God, that I know I need to stoke the fires of my fervency more and more.
Yours for making ourselves available daily for God’s communication to His human family through His written Word!!! Whether it’s a “Roar” or a still small Voice, are we listening?
I came across some pictures of lions roaring (one is below). When a lion roars, we’d better listen!!!
Thank You, Lord God, for Your Word. Without it, we would be lost. Open the gates, Father, for Your Word to go out to all people, here and abroad. Send out Your workers, filled with Your Spirit and Your Word, and help each one proclaim Truth everywhere. We commit ourselves to Your care – use us today as Your servants, in Jesus’s great and compassionate name, amen
Amen, to your prayer Rob…we ARE lost without God’s word!…it is my prayer indeed, Lord have your way and use me today for Your Glory.
HJR I’m praying along with everyone for difficulties that you are experiencing. May God Bless and keep you and give you the desires of your heart.
I find it so comforting, that, as David wrote in his blog today, and said in his prayer…”God never gives up on us”.
As I reflect over my life, there were some painful times when I’d think “oh lord, why ?” and yet I know now that those times were some of my greatest lessons in faith and in trusting our Heavenly Father.
I too am open to hearing God’s voice, as David mentioned. Praying for Ukraine (meeting to take place today between Russia & Ukraine) The morning news reports that there is evidence of some movement away from Kyiyv May God’s direction in this situation be realized, in Jesus Name. Amen
Amen to the prayers and thanks Anne for joining me in prayer I really appreciate it
May the presence of the Lord be felt at the meeting between Russia and the Ukraine, May peace be restored
For the 30th from “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray for God’s will to be done where you live and throughout Canadian society, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-13)
2. Pray that in kindness God will lead many to repentance in your city or community, and across the nation. (Romans 2:4)
“The Lion of Judah roars against the serpent!” Great image!
So very thankful for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, Who leads, guides and protects us in all ways.
Thankful for each Blogger and all the prayers and postings. Still praying David/Rob’s Prayer from yesterday.
Praying that ALL who have immediate needs, sorrows, and suffering would be able to reach out, take HIS Hand and Know HIS Peace and Will in their lives…
May He reign in all our hearts and lives.
Charlene, Amen to your prayer for Canada.
May God’s Will be done throughout the world,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.