Today’s Reading: Daniel 5-6
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On display in the Archaeological Museum in Pella Greece is a floor mosaic of Hunting a Lion. Today’s reading takes us into a lion’s den with Daniel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Daniel 6:10
Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his CUSTOM since early days.
To what are we accustomed, and do we maintain a consistent “CUSTOM” as Daniel did? A “CUSTOM” is an unwritten rule or routine, something one does habitually. Something one does over and over as an act of willpower becomes a habit in about two weeks. Let’s follow Daniel’s example!!!
Daniel 5 moves us to the next generation past Nebuchadnezzar. Belshazzar has set Daniel aside, but the Queen Mother remembers Daniel. He’s available when needed to represent the true and only God. The saying, “Like father, like son” is true here. In 5:22 Daniel says to Belshazzar, who was using the sacred vessels of the Jerusalem Temple to worship the idols, “But you, his [Nebuchadnezzar’s] son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.” There’s a lesson here for us all. Every generation must learn truth for themselves. Like the Queen Mother, we must reach into our memories and tell the stories that pass on the truth! Belshazzar is killed. Darius overthrows the Babylonian Empire, and the Empire of the Medes and Persians begins.
Daniel 6 shows Daniel once again placed by the new ruler into a key position of leadership. All the emperors have received a revelation of the true God. Darius learned through the miracle of Daniel’s safety from the lions. Cyrus, the Persian king, who may have been the son of Queen Esther, the Jewess, steps into place when Daniel is an old man in his eighties. Imagine a man serving during the reigns of four kings with integrity, consistency, and most of all, godliness…an example of what a person can be!!!
Lord God, I’m challenged by Daniel’s life! I pray for grace to be consistent in my prayer life and faithful to read and learn from Your Holy Word! I ask this in the Name of the One Who is the greatest Example of consistency, Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I continue to look for new opportunities for the Lord to use me in ministry. Is that crazy at almost 80! Daniel served in a leadership role well past his eightieth year. He must have been almost 90 when, as the last verse of today’s reading says, “He prospered.” Well, if Cyrus was the son of Esther, the Jewess, then he had a soft spot in his heart for this Jewish man named Daniel. I’m speculating here, but then the Scripture does say, “Your old men dream dreams!”
Yours for living all our days to the full and for serving the Lord through serving others,
I loved that story of Daniel as a child and the song: “Dare to be a Daniel”. Let us dare! Have a Wonderful Spring day all.
From another dear and Godly man, Michael Youssef:
“God, forgive me for having too small a vision of who You are. You are unsearchable, infinite, transcendent. May I bow before You in adoration every day, for You are God. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
And from Paul:
“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?'” (Romans 11:33-34).
From me:
Thank You, Lord God, for all these Your witnesses. Help us in this generation to follow You, exalt You, and be diligent in the work You have given us, in Jesus’s great name, amen
For the 20th from the “Prayer Map of Canada”
1. Pray for the children of Canada, that they would come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. ( Matthew 19:14)
2. Pray that Christians will recognize that our struggle is not against the natural world but against invisible spiritual forces. (Ephesians 6:12)
Amen to the prayers above. Continuing to pray for Russia and the Ukraine, that God’s will be done and peace returned. Remembering all the bloggers requests for special prayers and healing, may God bless and keep all of you.
I pray also that the right leader will be chosen for the Conservative Party.
I pray also for the leaders of all political parties that their hearts and minds be turned to God for direction.
We need Godly leadership in this country, Father, so we commit it to You, in Jesus name, Amen.
Amen HJR.