Today’s Reading: Psalms 119:73-128
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

One of the Hebrew language Bibles on the communion table in Christ Church in Jerusalem. The church is located 200 metres inside the Old City’s Jaffa Gate. More than any other Bible passage, Psalm 119 gives emphasis to the importance of God’s Word!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalms 119:73b, 104 and 105
Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments…Through Your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
The word “precept” is repeated 20 times in Psalm 119! The New Oxford Dictionary gives a meaning of this word: “A general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.” This may fall short of the true meaning of the word. The word “principle” comes from the same Latin word as “precept.” When we say that a man or woman is “a person of PRINCIPLE,” we are getting the right idea. Our key verses ask God for “UNDERSTANDING” and then answers that prayer as to how to get “UNDERSTANDING!” We feed our hearts and minds in God’s precepts every day and a person of PRINCIPLE is growing. It’s like the gestation period of the elephant…two years. Our through-God’s-Word readings and blogs over these two years should produce a new person of “PRINCIPLE.” Amen?
Lord God, may Your precepts flow into the very core of my being, bringing healthy spiritual growth. I pray that I will emerge from this two-year period of absorbing Your Word daily as a “PERSON OF PRINCIPLE.” In other words, Father God, I hope to resemble Jesus more and more. In His Name I ask for Your precepts to be the DNA of my life now and in the future. Amen!!!
In my first years as one who sought to follow Jesus, I decided to read the biographies of people who were, in my judgment, good people. Millions of such biographies should be written. There are too few! I found a common denominator in adherence to basic principles by which they ordered their lives. One such person is Abraham Lincoln, a former President of the United States. In 1957 a devotional book made up of select Biblical passages was discovered. It was owned and used by Lincoln. It’s called, The Believer’s Daily Treasure. A subtitle is, Texts of Scripture Arranged for Every Day of the Year. Here is a paragraph from a book called, Abraham Lincoln – Lessons in Spiritual Leadership, by Elton Trueblood:
“Frequently, Lincoln employed a verse from the Bible to clinch a point. He had been importuned saying that he would not interfere with slaves or slavery in states where they were acceptable. ‘I have,’ he wrote to William Speer of Tennessee, ‘done this many many times, and it is in print, and open to all who will read. Those who will not read or heed what I’ve already said would not read or heed a repetition of it. If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead.'”
That Bible quote is found in Luke 16:31. In my reading of Lincoln’s words, I have found that they are generously sprinkled with Scriptures. Lincoln knew the precepts of God’s Word thoroughly. I believe that his daily reading of God’s Word helped immensely to produce this great man of PRINCIPLE!
Yours for two years of gestation in the womb of Holy Scripture and for the birth of men and women of PRINCIPLE,
P.S. Click here for a look at one of the Bibles of Abraham Lincoln. His Bible was brought from the Smithsonian for the inauguration ceremony of President Obama.
Amen to David’s prayer.
Father, thank You again for Your Word and all Your workers who bring it to us and to all the world. Help all Your people to be obedient to Your Word, as the writer of the Psalms was. Help all Your people to share Your Word. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. A very powerful scripture read today. I read the portion indicated and listened to the audio version. The audio version was of the whole Psalm. It was easy to make the reading a more personal promise/prayer. Have a Wonderful day all.
Amen to David’s prayer and the entire chapter of Psalms 119 I am really enjoying it and I’ve been reading the entire chapter through the audio version
I’m asking for prayer I have health issues and I really need to put my
Faith in God so that he will heal my physical body 🙏
Blessings to all my fellow bloggers today amen ♥️
Praying for you Marilyn. God Bless you.
Holding you in prayer, dear Marilyn. Lord God, have Your hand upon Marilyn and guide her physicians to bring her effective treatment and healing. Ease her pain. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. ❤️🙏
Beverlee, you have been in my mind/prayers throughout today, as I read yesterday’s Blog, this morning. Glad to hear that at long last your biopsy wound has healed. Praying that the new medication for Lupus will be very effective. May the Medical People have great wisdom with their treatment plan and may you soon feel stronger, healthier and God-willing, all pain subside. May you continue to be ‘strong in The Lord and in His mighty power.’
Prayers also for all Bloggers, family and friends to feel healthy and well and more importantly, to know that our Lord is with each, always.
Thank you Laur for your prayers. 🙏❤️
Agreeing with Laur’s prayer for you, Beverlee. I was sorry to read yesterday the details of all that you are going through. Through it all, you have continued to inspire all of us with your daily postings. May God strengthen you each day more and more! I also have been wondering and looking forward to your book.
Praying verses 114 and 116 of today’s reading (NLT). I need to hold on to hope regarding my husband’s condition.
God’s blessings on all bloggers
Thank you so, Luisa. Holding Joseph in my deepest prayers for a miracle of healing. 🙏❤️
Thank you so much! Blessings to you!
I am also praying for you Beverlee, I did answer you late last night. Now I realize you probably didn’t see it.
Thank you sister Eleanor for your prayers. ❤️🙏
Remembering everyone in prayer on this blog, that our Lord
would bless each one according to their special needs,
in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.