LET GOD ARISE! (Psalm 68:1a)
Today’s Reading: Psalms 67-68
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Mount Hermon in Northern Israel is snow capped year-round. In today’s reading King David’s poetry mentions snow and the mountain peaks (Psalm 68:14-16).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 68:3-4, 11
But let the righteous be glad;
Let them rejoice before God;
Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.
Sing to God, sing praises to His name;
Extol Him who rides on the clouds,
By His name YAH,
And rejoice before Him.
The Lord gave the word;
Great was the company of those who proclaimed it.
God’s Name, “YAH” (Hebrew) is “JEHOVAH” in our language. There is one true Creator God! Our God is “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We may want to read from our translation from the Greek language the words of Paul in Ephesians 1:3-6. The “awesome” (to borrow from yesterday’s reading) plan of God for the salvation of the whole world is ours to communicate to every man, woman, and child.
In Psalm 67, the word “NATIONS” is repeated three times. God’s face is shining upon us so that God’s “way may be known on earth,” and so that there will be “salvation among all nations!” “ALL NATIONS!” Can we, the readers of this blog, possibly be a vital part of that great “company of those who proclaimed it?” How each of us answer this question will make a huge difference in accomplishing this task or, on the other hand, failing to do our part. Which will it be?
Lord God, here I am waiting before You. I pray for grace to be a part of that great company whose job it is to proclaim Your Word to all the “NATIONS ON EARTH!” I pray for unbending determination to never, never, never give up on the accomplishment of this mandate to which You, “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” have called me. I ask for a great company to join together with You to get the job done. Amen!!!
I thank God for the ministry of Crossroads Christian Communications and how He will lead us forward to the glorious goal that, through all kinds of mass media communications, Psalm 67:2 will be accomplished…”THAT YOUR WAY MAY BE KNOWN ON EARTH, YOUR SALVATION AMONG ALL NATIONS!!!”
Yours for the “company of those who proclaimed it,” (the Word) because “the Lord gave the Word!”
ROB’s post from October 5, 2019
“Amen! Lord God, have your way in us, in our families, our workplaces, our communities and our country. We commit the battle for Truth, justice, and salvation into your totally-capable hands, Lord. Strengthen all your people and make us into a force for good. We pray for your leadership in our country, Lord, so be exalted through all your people. Thank You for good and Godly leaders. We ask You to raise up more, in every realm of society, including politics, the media, and the education and justice systems. In Jesus’s greatest-of-all-names, amen
Something else good, from Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef:
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 4, 2019
“Only the Holy Spirit can change someone’s heart, but God is calling us to be a part of the process. We can make a difference in the eternal lives of others. We can tell our neighbors how Christ changed our lives. We can share with our friends why we have peace in the middle of difficult times. We can train our children in the ways of the Lord. And we can unite together in prayer for the souls of nonbelievers.
Only the Holy Spirit can change someone’s heart, but God is calling us to be a part of the process.
We can pray that we will continue to have the freedom to openly speak Jesus’ name in public. We can pray that we remain free to share the full Gospel message, without being confined to a politically correct version. We can pray that God will continue to use His people to spread His Gospel to the ends of the world.
Spend time in prayer today examining your priorities. Where does the Great Commission fall on that list? Pray daily that God will renew your passion for the souls of nonbelievers. Pray that God prepares the hearts of those around you to receive the Gospel message. Pray for the Holy Spirit to provide you with opportunities to share about Christ. Pray that our country’s freedoms will continue so that we may freely speak the uncompromising Truth of the Gospel.
Prayer: Father, I pray that You would use me to make a difference in the lives of those around me. Renew my passion to see the lost come to know You. Open doors of opportunity for me to talk about You and give me the courage to boldly proclaim Your Truth. Thank You for the freedom we have to speak about You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives” (Proverbs 11:30).
Let God Arise with lyrics, Paul Wilbur
Joining you in prayer Beverlee, in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen!
Amen Amen, Amen
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise God all creatures here below!
Praise God above, ye heavenly host!
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Amen Rob! 😊
Amen Rob, to God be the Glory forever.
Wonderful to know your presence, is still with the Blog, Rob.
Thank you Beverlee for posting Rob’s Prayer with Michael Youssef’s. Both were/are very powerful and inspiring!
Now, I shall listen to the attached Praise Music….
Praying David M’s prayer that the Word continually be proclaimed from the ministry of Crossroads – that God would bring His solution for a strong beacon to continue. Blessings all. Welcome back Rob.
Sweet Video
Amen to all !
Blessings on all saints on this cold day in WC Alberta. I read several devotions each morning and enjoyed so much this one also:
“Scripture needs to be wrapped throughout your life. It needs to be before your eyes and in your ears and all through your mind. It needs to be in your home and in your locker and on your computer and on your mirror and at your desk. It needs to be talked about and sung about and permeating the music you listen to.” Here’s why: “When you fill your mind with Scripture, you get to control the playlist of your mind. You become the DJ of your own thoughts.” by Louie Giglio
Amen Lynda. So happy you are back. 😊