Today’s Reading: Psalm 18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Monasteries are built high above on great rocks in this rugged landscape in Greece. The monasteries that you see are the Great Meteoro and Varlaam.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 18:1-2
I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
The conclusion David draws from the above statement is this, “I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies” (18:3). David composed and sang this song to celebrate the Lord’s deliverance from the hand of King Saul. Saul was trying to kill him. Again and again David hid amongst the great rocks in the area of En Gedi, east of the Dead Sea. It is plain to see as we learn about David, as well as from David, that his rock-solid confidence was not in the rocks, but in the “Rock,” his God! David exclaims in song, “Who is a rock, except our God?” (18:31b). “The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock!” (18:46a).
The confidence that those of us have who believe in Jesus is expressed in song too. Let’s find online that amazing hymn, “Rock of Ages,” and sing along (click here).
Lord Jesus, You gave me instructions about the foundation for my life. I know that I must build my life on the Rock! You are that Bedrock, dear Jesus. I rest securely on You, not on the shifting sands of contemporary human experience and the philosophies of mankind. I pray that I will stand firm on You, Lord God! Amen!!!
I may have referred to this sometime last year, but here goes… I was listening to a French language radio station as the late Pope, John Paul II, was speaking in Quebec City. Here are the words I heard, “Pierre (Peter) est un petit pierre (is a little stone), mais Jesus est Le Grande Pierre! (but Jesus is The Great Rock!).” He was referring to the words of Jesus following the answer of Peter to the question of Jesus, “Whom do men say that I am?” Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” Then Jesus said to Peter, “You are Peter (a little rock) and upon this Rock (a great Rock, Jesus Himself), I will build My Church.” In my early days as a follower of Jesus, I struggled with my understanding of these words of Jesus found in Matthew 16:18. My concerns about the Church being built on Peter were highlighted by the words of Jesus just five verses later (Matthew 16:23): “But He, (Jesus) turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.'” Yes, Peter was mightily used of God. I want to be used of God too, but I’m ever so thankful that no church is built on me, a weak and flawed human being. There is only one GREAT ROCK!!! Jesus Himself!!! I’ve just read again Matthew 16:13-26. Like those very small-appearing monasteries built on that great rock in Reynold’s photograph above, I’m building my life and my hope for eternal life on Jesus alone!!!
Yours for the only true eternal Foundation for life, “The Christ, the Son of the Living God,”
The key verse brings such comfort and assurance, especially when we are facing difficult times and uncertainty. We can be sure that our Anchor will not fail us because it is (as someone said) fastened to the Mercy Seat. What a great comfort!
So glad to hear from Rob.
Praying God’s peace, hope and strength for all bloggers. Rom 15:13
Agreeing with you in prayer Luisa.
Welcome back on the blog Rob.
Agreeing with you in prayer Luisa.
Welcome back on the blog Rob.
Agreeing with you, Luisa. He is our Rock – there is no other. Amen
David’s faith is very inspiring and our David’s faith is just as inspiring through his own humility and ‘rock’ solid assurance that Jesus is our King and rescuer.He saves all who will call on His name.That is better than any earthly guarantee !
Good to know Rob is well.Your words are appreciated,Rob.May yall be blessed
All The Way.
You have been a light to many,
You sought to make them free,
And through the years of plenty
You served Me so faithfully.
I know you wanted to stay,
I need you more now than they,
So I brought you home that day,
Now you’re with Me all the way.
Your light shone so bright and so far
When you heard me and obeyed,
Now your torch is their bright star,
From one who never delayed.
Faith will keep your light shinning bright
And love will feed the flame,
So the world can see His light,
The One Who took all the blame.
GW (Bill) Marshall/30Jan/2018
The one speaking is The Father….
4 David Mainse
Oops,forgot to remove the last 2 lines.Blessings glad to hear from you. I missed you so, so, so, much. Blessings and may God richly bless you. I prayed for you and all bloggers. I also was incapitaced for a couple of months due to IPad problems , etc…k
Good to have you back Blessed.
Blessings to all, Eleanor M.
Yes Blessings to all.
So glad I joined the Blog.
Pray for niece Samantha.