Today’s Reading: Psalms 9-10
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Even the desert is marvellous to behold as you travel throughout Israel. Looking from Israel inside Timna Park, you can see on the distant horizon the mountains of Edom. This mountain range is now part of the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is not a wealthy country and yet because of the disaster of middle east political and moral realities, Jordan has had to care for millions of refugees. Let us do whatever we can to help!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 10:17
Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear.
Yes! God will cause His “ear to hear.” Let us make personal the prayers found in our reading. Here are examples of what we may say when we pray. The shepherd king begins his prayers with praise and worship. He writes in the first two verses the four actions he is taking. For our devotional exercises today, why not meditate on these statements, expand on them, and do as it says.
The cries of the needy stand out! David speaks of “the oppressed,” of people in “trouble,” of “the cry of the humble,” of “the needy,” of “the poor,” of “the helpless,” and of “the fatherless.” Let us name before God the names of people we know personally who may fit these descriptions. Most certainly those in war-torn lands where it seems that human cruelty knows no boundaries.
Let us never forget that Jesus issued a press release in advance of His second coming. The words this King of the Universe will utter when He will sit on “the Throne of His Glory” have to do with way we have, or have not, cared for the needy (see Matthew 25:31-46). We pray fervently and then we are moved to help! God answer our prayers. Amen!!!
“Arise O Lord! Do not let man prevail” (9:19a). “Arise O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand!” (10:12a). “Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may oppress no more” (10:17-18). Amen!!!
A few years back, I had the privilege of speaking at Wesley Acres camp, where they had a missions display along one side of the auditorium, including historical pictures from Egypt. I saw my parents there in the photos from the 1920s (pictures below). I believe that God is more interested in His cause here on earth than all of us put together could ever be! Let’s pool our resources and get the job done! Amen!!! My Mom and Dad would be 119 and 121 years old if they were alive today. The prayer in our reading is “Arise O Lord!” Their generation faithfully served. Now it’s our turn to “Arise” with the Lord, and do the job that He has called us to accomplish!
Yours for reaching a needy world with His love, His provision, and His Gospel,
Such strength regained this morning in God through the Psalms. How precious are we in the sight of our Lord who used King David in peril crying out for help and being reassured. Indeed, He will watch over our lives. We thank You Lord God for Your holy Word. Prayers for fellow saints in the Lord and ever thankful for your having been praying for me. Today is a better day. Praise the Lord! Amen.
We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thes 1:2-3 ESV
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P.S. I was there to hear David Mainse speak at Wesley Acres that week-end with his family by his side. He was very sick with pneumonia, yet he still got up to speak and it was a blessing for us all. Thanking you in heaven, David.
Blessings and prayers for you, Beverley.
Such great worship music, Beverlee. Thanks. Great pictures of David’s parents. What a wonderful heritage for his family. Have a blessed day all.
Love those pictures in time.(I think Ron looks like his grandfather…they were a very handsome couple too.)’Sickly and serving’;sounds like David also.I would like to have seen David’s face when he saw that picture of his parents.
The words today make me think of Afghanistan and the unfortunate ones who are most vulnerable and trapped there.’Lord God,please make a way out for them where there is none to be seen by human eyes.Only You can do this.In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.Amen’
Amen to all the prayers, especially to Williams re the people of Afghanistan.
Yes I am also joining in prayer for those suffering people in Afghanistan. We are so fortunate in this country, most of us can’t even imagine what it is like to live in such a dangerous place.
Eleanor M.
Praying for the safety and protection of all in Afghanistan. Lord God, please help them evacuate to a better home that is free of hatred and violence. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.