Today’s Reading: Psalms 7-8
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Key Verses: Psalm 8:1a (and 8:9)
O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth.”
The shepherd king, David, sang the words of Psalm 7 “to the Lord.” Imagine singing of persecution, tearing apart like a lion, being trampled upon, etc. Somehow when we sing in our pain, it makes it more bearable, particularly when we also sing, “My defence is of God,” Who is, “angry with the wicked every day” (Psalm 7:10-11). When in trouble, sing of God’s excellence. One of the benefits of an early morning start to our devotions is the time alone with God. There’s no rush. The telephone is not ringing. No one is texting you or knocking on the door. Therefore, since we have the time, I recommend that we listen to an excellent singer, Larnell Harris, singing, “How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord” (click here). Larnell has often appeared over the years on 100 Huntley Street, singing of the excellence of the Lord!
“O LORD MY GOD, IN YOU I PUT MY TRUST!” O Lord, I commit to praying the prayers of David throughout my devotions daily in the Psalms. I thank You that while I pray spontaneously most of the time, I also find that it often helps me focus more intensely when I read prayers directly from Scripture or those prayers written by men and women who love and serve You passionately. I pray Your blessing and provision for all my fellow blog followers! Amen!!!
In preparation for partaking in communion at a Sunday service, Anglicans often read together the following powerful prayer, “Lord God, we have sinned against You; we have done evil in Your sight. We are sorry and repent. Have mercy on us according to Your love. Wash away our wrongdoing and cleanse us from our sin. Renew a right spirit within us and restore us to the joy of Your salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” Let’s make that prayer personal to us today, as an additional “Prayer for Today.”
Yours because of the “excellence” of the Name of the Lord “In all the earth,”
How excellent is His Name. Truly. Thank You Lord. Blessings on all for a Wonderful day with Him. Amen
Amen Doreen.
Praise our Lord God Almighty in whom we trust,
Amen Joyce.
Amen Doreen!!!
May we all pray today as suggested by. David. How I have missed reading the daily blogs and message as I have been without my IPad for over two months.
Blessings on all involved with this wonderful programme…bloggers, producers, Ron and Anne Mainse, etc. Etc etc.
I was wondering where you were Blessed. Amen.
Blessed: So glad to see you are back on the blog. We are like a family and we miss those who aren’t on regularly. I know there are circumstances for this and I now understand why you weren’t on.
Blessings to all this Lord’s Day
Eleanor M
Blessed I was missing you also. So glad to see you back.
We are like family on here. May you all have a good sleep tonight. I pray Gods angels surround you to keep you all safe and protected.
God bless.
I have never written a comment in a blog before but have been a supporter of this ministry for many years. God has been challenging me to step into new things with Him and so, as I have been reading some of the comments, I trust this platform for sharing. We received the resuming of the 100 words today and my husband and I are so grateful. I have been using it for several years as my devotional and appreciate the way it takes me through the entire Bible in a format that is doable for me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart Ron and Ann for the work you do and all others involved in sending it out. Blessings Kathryn S.