Today’s Reading: Colossians 2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Jeremiah’s Grotto is where tradition says the Prophet Jeremiah penned his “Lamentations.” His cave is just to the right of what is believed by some to be the Jewish and Roman place of execution. Nowhere does the Bible say that Jesus was crucified on a hill. Executions took place in the most public places. This public place today is a bus station. On top of the hill is a Muslim graveyard. Just to the left is a garden with a rock-hewn tomb (check John 19:38-42).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Colossians 2:8-10
Beware lest anyone cheat you (take spoil, rob, steal) through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
WARNING! The treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ (verse 3). There are those who are intent on stealing your TREASURE! They use “persuasive words” to accomplish this heist. Paul lists ways they try to break into our lives and rob us: (1) “Philosophy” (it may sound reasonable); (2) “Deceit” (they lie); (3) “Tradition” (Jesus is our focus, not centuries of tradition); (4) “Principles of the world” (materialism, prosperity, etc.); (5) Verse 16 – Requirements for certain foods; (6) Insisting on keeping appointed festivals and holy days as essential for God’s favour; (7) Verse 18 – The deceivers will put on a show of humility and claim to have superior knowledge, claiming to have heard from angels or being deceived themselves, even worshipping the fallen angel who is called in Scripture “The god of this world” (read 2 Cor 11:13-14); (8) Verses 21-23 – Self-imposed regulations or a “self-imposed religion.” Therefore, watch out for thieves!
Galatians 5:1 teaches us to “Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” AMEN!!!
Lord God, there are forces out to rob me of Your ultimate truth in Jesus alone. Thank You that I am “complete in Him” (Colossians 2:10). I pray for grace to live constantly in that “Blessed Assurance” (click here for the hymn by that name). Amen!!!
Dr. Ben Carson, the world’s most famous children’s neurosurgeon and a former candidate for President of the United States, has a song he sings when he is under great pressure. It’s all about Jesus, and fits well with our reading of the book of Colossians. The song is, “Jesus is all the world to me” (click here for a rendition of the song). Dr. Carson has been a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast (click here for an interview from when he was running for President).
I was 18 when I came to realize my full freedom in Christ. I had been struggling to live according to certain rules and regulations when I came to the end of myself and said to God, “I can’t do this. I quit!” Then I’m sure I heard the Lord say, “Good, now perhaps you will let Me live My Life in and through you.” He did this! It became a joy instead of a duty to rise in the morning to read the Scriptures and pray. It became a joy to share my faith in Jesus, and so many other blessings followed that I can’t begin to mention them all.
Yours for the true freedom found only in Christ,
P.S. In Colossians we are focusing on Jesus. Click here for another installment of Bruce Marchiano in the Matthew movie.
Thank you Jesus for the New Covenant. Found this beautiful hymn on YouTube this a.m. by Alan Jackson.
The church that I was attending doesn’t ever seem to sing the beautiful hymns we’ve been presented with over the years. I miss them.
Amen.The younger generationS seem to want to separate themselves from older generations with new songs of worship.I think Alan Jackson’s mother encouraged him to sing ‘the old hymns’.Blessings
Thanks , Lynda, for the song. I love that “assurance” that He put into our ♥️ hearts! Jesus is our everything. Blessings on all today, especially Beverlee and others who have pressing needs today. Missing the postings from you folk. May Jesus minister to each person today AND let’s also pray for “the Peace of Jerusalem”, very much under attack these days.
Amen ! I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel every night,God’s chosen.God bless
” Nowhere does the Bible say that Jesus was crucified on a hill. Executions took place in the most public places.” …where people could hear their anguish and see their faces as they endured a slow death.Fear among the people was an effective tool for the Romans.
”’ (2) “Deceit” (they lie); ”’ Beware of phrases like ” It-is-said ” or “tradition says” which have absolutely no weight to them allowing lies to be presented as fact !
Father,God,please open our eyes,hearts and minds so that we may know the whole truth as would please you.Please bless all connected with this blog,especially Ron and the rest of David’s family.In the mighty name of Jesus,I pray.Amen
I was still almost a year from reading the bible when this was written.(I felt I should not read the bible so it would be obvious that these poems only came ‘through’ me,as in dictation.)May God bless
Ears To Hear
I have experienced the Holy Spirit,
There seem to be emotions unknown,
And I have come to no longer fear It,
But crave the words He has sown.
His warmth satisfies my lowly soul,
For since He has entered my life,
He has lifted me to make me whole,
To use me where sorrow is rife.
I bend my heart and gladly follow
And bestow His message of love,
That those who suffer need not wallow,
For loved ones gone are safe above.
The Holy spirit is real so now believe
That His message is true and just,
And that there is no need to grieve;
It is only the body that turns to dust.
So everyone who has ears to hear,
Pay heed to these words of warning;
‘Follow my ways and keep me near’,
For soon will dawn a great new morning.
G W (Bill) Marshall / October 19, 2012
Amen. Wonderful poem Bill.
Thank you for sharing your poem Bill. Inspirational scripture and commentary today! The hymn Blessed Assurance is the first song I ever soloed when I was a baby Christian and I still love it.
It’s very smokey today in southern BC. Please pray for all of the firefighters and for those whose lives have been impacted by the wildfires. Blessings to all blog partners.
Verna, praying for the firefighters & for the people – that the smoke will dissipate and rain will fall in abundance. Blessings on Beverlee also. Missing her input.